Example sentences of "can not [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , in dry summers the L3 are retained within the crusted faecal pat and can not migrate on to the pasture until sufficient rainfall occurs to moisten the pat .
2 I have my doubts that Batty will ever be world class , that aside I can not understand why Wilko can not sit down with the side he 's got and bang something out to keep both Strachan and Rocastle in the side .
3 If it is correct , in general , that a public nuisance can not arise out of the lawful use of a highway , as Mr. Ashworth submitted , it is not , in my judgment , because there is no unlawful act .
4 No doubt if I can not break out of the convention of thinking as though I were a detached Ego contemplating unmoved both the possible consequences and my fear of them , it will seem that I can have no reason to stop smoking unless I recognize some further imperative such as ‘ Take care of your health ’ .
5 ‘ If man can not create anything or move anybody , if he can not break out of the prison of his total narcissism and isolation , he can escape the unbearable sense of vital impotence and nothingness only by affirming himself in the act of destruction of the life that he is unable to create .
6 ‘ Ordinary Catholics on the Falls Road can not stand up to the IRA .
7 The duty of the court is to enforce the Acts and in so doing to observe one principle which is inherent in the Acts and has been long recognised , the principle that parties can not contract out of the Acts …
8 If you still can not reach up to the extreme end and determine that the burrow is now empty you must reintroduce your line ferret once more to do the job for you .
9 The right hon. Member for Chingford said that he can not go along with the negotiations at Maastricht because he wants to protect Britain from ’ rabid dogs and dictators ’ — some might say from himself .
10 ‘ T is so no more ’ , that is , he can no longer consider himself the same person — he has become , at last , a human being ( line 36 ) , not a dreaming poet , and he can not go back to the earlier state .
11 I can not find out of the evidence any facts which support the view or which justify the inference .
12 The plaintiff can not shop around for the best offer , the two parties must deal with each other and strike an acceptable bargain through their own negotiating skill .
13 There are two disadvantages to this approach ; first , it is enormously time consuming and second , the polygon topology of the input coverage is not preserved , so one can not work back to the initial coverage attributes .
14 Your main safeguard is to ensure that the remaining rabbits can not escape back into the burrow system .
15 TV time is bought well in advance , and is subject to a standard cancellation date — of eight weeks — beyond which the advertiser and agency can not back out of the commitment to advertise ( though in practice an agency may , in an emergency , transfer the time to another client or a different brand ) .
16 Although you have found that you can not get on with the latch tool method of casting off , this too can become quite automatic once you have the knack .
17 As will be demonstrated with respect to Orientalism itself , Said can not get out of the Hegelian problematic that he articulates , and indeed tends himself to repeat the very processes that he criticizes .
18 Grasshoppers , scorpions , lizards , young birds in their nests , anything that can not get out of the way is attacked .
19 It is quite normal for the male to have to stay outside and drive his milt in with beats of his tail , because he can not get in through the reduced entrance .
20 If you have got yourself in this situation and can not get back to the beach , drop your sail and try and attract attention , by waving the fluorescent flag you should be carrying .
21 Some golfers are afraid to transfer the weight in case they can not get back to the ball at impact .
22 In other words , I feel guilty because I can not live up to the expectations placed upon me by society or individuals .
23 Marthus said that food production can not keep up with the population increase
24 The skua is astonishingly agile for so big a bird , but can not keep up among the throng and gives up .
25 It means that he can not turn out for the Pollock Park club until at least August .
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