Example sentences of "can be [vb pp] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One of the processes of digestion is to reduce food to a substance which can be absorbed in the bloodstream as sugar .
2 Both can be implicated in the crime and convicted .
3 The different senses of handle can be delimited in the manner suggested above for mouth .
4 His created paradise is still only temporal and whilst denying that his perfection can be reached in the presence of the temptation of women , he accepts the fact they are here to stay .
5 Thereafter , the zygote — the name given to the resultant collection of cells — can be implanted in the uterus .
6 A sinusoidal tensile stress of a given frequency can be generated in the vibrator A and if the electrical vectors from the force and displacement are represented by and then by satisfying the condition the tangent of the phase angle δ between the stress and the strain may be calculated from This operation of adjustment followed by subtraction of the electrical vectors is performed directly in the recording circuit .
7 It can be shown that semantic network representations are formally equivalent to semantic feature representations , in as much as any information that can be represented in one can be represented in the other .
8 OE post-vocalic /ht , xt/ , for example — in words of the type riht , niht , PresE ‘ right , night ’ — can be represented in the spelling of Havelok by st , ht , th , cht , cth , but not by , for example gt , ght , or by random and unpredictable forms such as tc or m .
9 A quantity called the Gaussian curvature quantifies the local curvature of any two-dimensional surface and can be generalized in the case of higher dimensions .
10 A wholly different dynamic of change can be seen in the semi-conductor industry .
11 One well publicized feature of harmony and cooperation in Japanese companies can be seen in the removal of the outward signs of distinction between workers , whether these are based on dress , working hours or canteen facilities .
12 A significant aspect of the religious hegemonic role can be seen in the translation of religious preoccupations into law via the concept of natural law .
13 This can be seen in the revival ( at an unknown date ) of a substantial regal silver coinage in Northumbria together with an archiepiscopal coinage combining Eadberht 's name with that of his brother , Archbishop Ecgberht , which has been described as ‘ ahead of its age ’ in its fineness .
14 The range of Victorian and Edwardian painting can be seen in the variety of subjects from classical , medieval and modern life and contrasting styles from the minute detail of the Pre-Raphaelites to the broad brush of Sickert and Steer .
15 Three examples of fuzzy analogical inheritance can be seen in the outline of Figure 5 .
16 The benefits of woven oval shafts ( STC-616 ) can be seen in the aerodynamics of the racket , which , claims Pro-Go , assists in the creation of faster movement through the air .
17 The confusion and lack of leadership among the Pomeranian and Danzig Poles — and the almost total failure of the Polish peasantry to identify the Polish cause as their own — can be seen in the Pomeranian response to the 1794 Polish uprising , led from Kraków by Tadeusz Kościuszko .
18 Their diverse origins can be seen in the microcosm of Nikol'skaia volost' alone .
19 Something of the MLs ' agony as they fought their way towards the quays can be seen in the diagram on page 41 .
20 Apart from the façade , this can be seen in the chevet , transept portals and the triple aisles ( 494 ) .
21 It is the complexity of the decoding and responding that seems to be under-represented in this model , as can be seen in the communication model if the following is substituted :
22 The distance that had to be covered can be seen in the case of the Primitive Methodists : they had no theological college until 1881 and when the new college in Manchester faced collapse it was only saved by the generosity of Sir William Hartley .
23 A clear example can be seen in the case of the destruction of the ozone layer , causing the greenhouse effect .
24 Scottish resentment can be seen in the half-heartedness of the act of 1555 concerning the spreading of seditious slanders .
25 Details of the foregoing can be seen in the Law Society 's Handbook , or in Halsbury 's Laws of England , 3rd ed. , xxxvi , 52–55 .
26 In the fifteenth century there were some evictions in the parish ordered by Sir Edward Belknap , but the overall story , as worked out by James Bond , is very complex and no single reason can be found to explain what can be seen in the landscape .
27 Little can be seen in the darkness .
28 But with the Renaissance there was a return to the individualised portraits of antiquity , as can be seen in the portrait of the next king , Henry VIII .
29 Lady Dorothy was a lively and captivating young girl , as can be seen in the portrait by G. F. Watts [ q.v. ] , painted in Florence at the age of seventeen .
30 A few can be seen in the travel agency of João Silveiro Pires in Avenida Zarco .
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