Example sentences of "can be [verb] [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 If a local entity analysis is carried out , the model can be mapped on to a database and applications applied to it before another local data analysis is started .
2 This means that the best possible data model can be formulated with the knowledge that it can be mapped on to a DBMS .
3 The modern qualitative theory can be fleshed out into a quantitative technique ; and this book tells a coherent and deep mathematical story , packed with insights and ideas .
4 The White Paper , Caring for People , was a partial response to Griffiths and it can be fleshed out into a workable comprehensive policy ; it became law in June 1990 with the passing of the NHS and Community Care Act .
5 If a pipe has frozen , it can be thawed out with a hairdrier or by wrapping towels soaked in hot water around it .
6 Excess fabric can be tied back with a ribbon .
7 Very often an organisational problem can be tracked down to a mismatch between an established structure and new processes formed in response to new events and pressures .
8 Naturally curly or permed hair can be scraped back into a formal look or left casual for the evenings
9 This means that for the first one the doubt is ‘ simple ’ and can be cleared up in a straightforward way , but for the second it is ‘ compound ’ and needs much greater care .
10 Powerful amplifiers can be turned down for a small hall , but a weak amplifier has no potential for increased volume before it starts distorting the sound .
11 It seems sensible to take advantage of the good days in order to make allowance for any excess eating on the difficult days , and dieting calorie intake can be averaged out on a weekly basis .
12 If preferred , calories can be averaged out on a weekly rather than a daily basis .
13 The kite can be sent up with a carrier attached .
14 Comparing notes with an airship enthusiast the other day , I learned that the Falklands campaign might bring the airship back into favour because it can be sent up for a good look at the surroundings , especially at sea .
15 However , it is very likely that capture of gases from the PFM by a largely formed planet can be ruled out as a major source .
16 These can be grown up as a pure bacterial growth in a veterinary laboratory .
17 However , in all cases the instructions can be broken down into a sequence of primitive operations on the various parts of the processor , such as the accumulators , the adder and the program counter ; notice that some of these parts are not directly accessible to the programmer .
18 For example , the fetching and execution of a " store accumulator " instruction can be broken down into a sequence of more primitive operations as shown in Figure 3.19 .
19 All extended proportional series can be broken down into a number of linear series of cells , as in figs. 5.6 and 5.7 , and this is the form in which we shall study them .
20 The first group firmly believes that any document can be broken down into a series of discrete specifications which can then be used to automate the production process be embedding encapsulated versions , often called tags , within the source material .
21 Just as a graph can be plotted by defining the co-ordinates through which the line must pass so any shape can be broken down into a series of co-ordinates .
22 Hierarchy presupposes an already determined outcome or purpose ; the underlying idea of hierarchy is that such an outcome can be broken down into a set of sub-processes .
23 Using the technique of functional decomposition , a very complex problem can be broken down into a number of fairly complex parts and then further to less complex parts until , at the bottom level , all the parts are fairly trivial and therefore easy to understand .
24 These factors can be broken down into a number of sets for the purposes of different sections of the UCTA , and probably form the most useful framework under which to analyse its effect .
25 The structure of the economy and society can be broken down in a variety of ways for a variety of purposes .
26 All pipe materials can be painted : copper can be polished up to a fine shine if you like the ship 's engine room effect .
27 Sometimes this can be converted back to a single compartment when bulky items have to be carried , either by zipping out the dividing panel or by loosening a drawcord .
28 Whilst these can be printed out on a page printer they are only really of any use if they are created on a Linotronic 300 as films rather than as bromide .
29 Surprisingly , the turning point that saw a struggling business transformed into a trendsetting group that has become a household name can be traced back to a Dutch merchant banker , who persuaded Conran to widen his horizons .
30 But increasingly , doubts , some of which can be traced back to a general report on the supply of professional services by the Monopolies Commission in 1970 , were raised about whether restraints on competition in the professions are necessarily beneficial .
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