Example sentences of "can be [vb pp] [prep] another [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless the ‘ family ’ in this form is still explicitly and implicitly upheld and supported by social policy and the Child Support Act can be seen as another example of this .
2 So nothing can be done for another year .
3 A remote queue pointer extends this process so that the supplying database can be situated on another machine on the network .
4 Motivation can be increased in another way — by introducing credits for library instruction courses .
5 That this is the sense in which the term is later used can be confirmed by another piece of evidence .
6 The leases make the publican responsible for the upkeep of the pub and , although they can be assigned to another person after two years , the original holder would be responsible for meeting payments if that person defaulted .
7 The size of the subscription of the first volume , if not that of the second , can be compared to another effort undertaken by the Blencowe family early in the next century .
8 Since all the coefficients are estimated simultaneously , the estimated model ( 6.16 ) , which has all the cross-equation restrictions imposed , can be compared with another model which has the same variables on the right-hand side of each equation but in which the cross-equation restrictions are relaxed ; that is , the coefficients on each variable are freely estimated as where are equation errors .
9 Equally we have found some success in moving into areas where , for example , we bring either a customer base , or a skill or research base which can be applied to another business .
10 Even if the evidence sought is material , a court will not order the taking of evidence abroad if equally satisfactory evidence on the same point can be obtained from another source within the jurisdiction .
11 The resulting pattern can be checked against another sample to give conclusive proof , as in this example of three suspects in a rape case .
12 Its role in defining the structural marginality of ‘ Community Policing ’ departments , for example , can be illustrated by another item taken from Police Review ( 11 July 1980 : 1449 ) .
13 If we do not know about something or do not realise what is addressed can be understood in another manner or seen through another lens , it skews our viewpoint ; it limits our options ; it clouds our perspective .
14 A call can be transferred to another extension .
15 The all-importance of song in the species recognition of crickets can be shown by another experiment .
16 By changing the historian 's focus , these problems can be put into another perspective .
17 Indeed , under paragraph 12 of the Code , the Custody Officer has the power to decide whether the suspect can be interviewed by another officer .
18 Those , they would argue , can not be shot since they will not leave their burrow system , and so they can be left until another day , when perhaps they will decide to bolt more readily .
19 Managership of modules can be changed to another branch of the user tree in two steps : change the manager to an ascendant common to both users ( current manager and new manager ) and from there to the new manager .
20 Ownership of modules can be changed to another branch of the user tree in two steps : change the owner to an ascendant common to both users ( current owner and new owner ) and from there to the new owner .
21 Any polluter emitting less than their specified amount obtains an emission reduction credit ( ERC ) , which can be sold to another polluter which wants to go over its allocated pollution limit .
22 One of the advantages of EDLIB is that it acts as a Computerized catalogue as well as an issue system , The catalogue system creates files in which each book or audiovisual item is allocated a record , which contains accession number , title , author , Dewey number , price , subject and one spare field , which can be used as another subject field .
23 In fact culture can be used as another guise under which one group can hide to oppress the other .
24 There is no need to pour or pump the liquid , and the Werax connector can be used on another barrel after tapping .
25 Flashing can be used in another way .
26 Indirect tests can be used in another way , which in some cases can seem more reliable .
27 Flashing can be used in another way .
28 In other cases , an attack can be linked to another infection , such as Thrush , but it can be as simple as ‘ holding on ’ too long before going to the lavatory , or wearing tight fitting trousers or underwear — creating the warm , moist atmosphere germs love .
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