Example sentences of "can be [vb pp] [prep] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Data files for use by computers might contain data about fonts and help systems , but nothing can be done with that information without the assistance of a program file containing the relevant instructions .
2 There is a limit , therefore , to what can be done in that respect .
3 ‘ I 'm very sceptical whether the grand aims can be met in that time scale with that amount of money , ’ he says .
4 The IRR can be defined as that rate which discounts future cash flows to produce a NPV of zero .
5 Being highly centralized , the British system has not been to have powerful centres outside London from which groups of services can be conducted for that area , but to administer each of the important functions of government from Whitehall for the whole of the country .
6 Where a capital sum ( as defined ) is paid directly or indirectly in any relevant year of assessment by the trustees of a settlement to the settlor then , to the extent that there is an amount of income available ( as defined ) in the settlement , the settlor can be taxed on that capital sum as if it were income .
7 ‘ More than can be said for that bastard Trentham . ’
8 In Chapters 2 and 3 we saw that the lexical resources of a language influence to a large extent what can be said in that language as well as how it can be said .
9 No signal can be received outside that range but this is of no consequence .
10 We hope that enough progress can be made for that objective to be accomplished , and shall continue to give the Secretary-General of the United Nations our full support .
11 Even where there is an absolute right to legal advice , the suspect can be questioned before that advice is given if he consents , or where , to wait , would cause unreasonable delay or hindrance .
12 Indeed the only additional effect of a child being a ward of court stems from its status as such and not from the inherent jurisdiction , for example a ward of court can not marry or leave the jurisdiction without the consent of the court and no ‘ important ’ or ‘ major ’ step in a ward 's life can be taken without that consent .
13 One aircraft is kept on permanent 24-hour standby to fly urgent medical cases to treatment off the island , and the airport can be opened for that purpose at any time at short notice .
14 He emphasized that " NATO is not the whole of the Atlantic alliance , and not all questions can be settled at that level " .
15 But then again , how is the individual management to know if it happens to be one of those which ought to acknowledge a responsibility to maintain or lower prices , or whether it is one of the lucky ones which can be let off that responsibility ?
16 My Lord my initial reaction is it sounds logical as well and I I wondered if if what my learned friend has said i if and also what your Lordship 's initial view is , if the matter can be left in that way er i if after further reflection , it seems right then of course that 's the way that we will approach it .
17 Where the valuer is advising an individual contemplating such an investment , he should discuss the likely possibility with him so the shares can be valued on that expectancy .
18 erm in the first place there are no bylaws restricting the display of posters in Harlow erm there are however town planning er restraints on and indeed there are a recognised number of sites which can be used for that purpose .
19 In a simple sale of the whole of a seller 's property , the title to which is registered , the form of transfer of whole will apply ; it 's so simple that commonly one dictates it " off the cuff " , and the top copy is made on front of Form 19 or Form 19(JP) so that it can be used for that purpose .
20 It is aimed at the general reader who knows nothing whatever about AI or related fields , and can be recommended at that level .
21 I received a porcelain candlestick as a gift from this company last Christmas , and judging by the quality of that product , I doubt whether dividends can be expected from that quarter either ! "
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