Example sentences of "can be [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Their bodies can be mapped out like butchers ’ charts …
2 Unfortunately , few activities can be shut down for set periods , most being operational all the year round .
3 ( pp479-80 ) An even clearer illustration of the above can be seen in Re Moore and Co and Landauer and Co [ 1921 ] 2 KB 519 .
4 You can also sow seeds in a greenhouse in March or April , or try lavering , which can be done up to August .
5 It can be done out of role — with the information gathered through research , for example , then used to inform the subsequent drama — or it can be undertaken in role .
6 Much more can be done out of hospital and in the GP 's surgery , the patient 's home or in low-technology settings .
7 And the best calculations can be screwed up by currency movements .
8 Stephen Orgel discerns in the theatre of this time the fear that man 's superior development could be reversed — ‘ that men can turn into — or be turned into — women ; or perhaps more exactly , can be turned back into woman , losing the strength that enabled the male potential to be realized in the first place . ’
9 Investors in soon-to-mature MTNs could be first in line for payment if the deal with GE Capital can be pushed through in time .
10 It is the amount that can be consumed out of wealth and leave sufficient wealth to deliver a constant economic income in all future periods .
11 Finding a new use for a swimming pool is not easy , though they can be floored over as sports halls .
12 In the event of a serious loss considerable hardship can be caused by under insurance .
13 The answer is that , in quantum theory , particles can be created out of energy in the form of particle/antiparticle pairs .
14 No , but he will do the preparatory work and he 's taking photographs now for us , that can be blown up for display purposes and he 's linking with marinas to find equipment so
15 House Dust Mites can be blown in through windows .
16 Many sites find it useful to have an ‘ R&D ’ LIFESPAN , where ideas on configuration control structures , user hierarchies etc. , can be tested out before implementation in the live LIFESPAN Process .
17 The sheet can be weighted down with sand or stones at the edges , and it should be left in place for three days , by which time it will be safe to commence subsequent building work .
18 He can be tossed back into unemployment when he is no longer required .
19 This administrative process is very slow and limits the rate at which people can be sent back from Hong Kong .
20 The day can be broken up into sections for recording purposes .
21 These can be broken down into organisation of money , time and preparation .
22 ‘ It can be broken down into sets of signals , each signal with a specific function .
23 ALTHOUGH it is bound to be a finite group , each of those I 've mentioned can be broken down into sub
24 As we shall see later the social anthropologist 's view of society as a network of person-to-person relationships almost takes it for granted that all human interactions can be broken down into elements of binary exchange of this kind .
25 Moreover , erm the world can be broken down into elements , into simples , which you can perceive or grasp conceptually as what they are quite independently of the system as a whole to which they belong .
26 If blanket assertions regarding business methods can be broken down into categories then a claim of confidence may succeed .
27 Even foods such as cellulose which forms the cell walls of plants can be broken down by carp , because of the bacteria which live in the gut .
28 That is they can be broken down by bacteria to inert residues .
29 In other words , they can be broken down by bacteria and so removed from the environment .
30 Filter bacteria : Almost every natural substance can be broken down by bacteria .
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