Example sentences of "can be [vb pp] [subord] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The nature of these changes , then , can be seen as some confirmation that the trends identified by Dearlove were genuine enough , but that working them through has taken much longer to achieve and involved much more upheaval than his initial analysis would have suggested .
2 It can be seen as another outburst of dissatisfaction about the direction taken by the Cultural Revolution and the failure to eliminate what they saw as the rise of a ‘ Soviet Union type of privileged class ’ ( Brodsgaard 1981 : 753 ) .
3 Bifurcation , which we mentioned earlier , can be seen as another product of law and order ideology , combined with the pragmatic imperative to do something to limit the numbers in custody : visibly dealing more harshly with the ‘ serious ’ offenders who can be most easily scapegoated ( in the popular press and the public mind ) , while dealing more leniently but less visibly with the much greater number of ‘ run of the mill ’ offenders , is an apparently rational response to a situation where one 's own rhetoric conflicts with practicalities .
4 The level of detail can be refined until this sort of analysis merges into one of the other main ways of grouping coins ( see below ) .
5 An examination of the type specimens together with those from the CYMOR suggest several differences which can be tested when more specimens are collected .
6 A tree can be constructed where this process is taken to its optimal conclusion , so that all possible common letter sequences are shared .
7 This system can be upgraded when more money and/or water is available by connecting the sewers or installing a cistern-flush toilet .
8 Money can be defined as any asset that is generally acceptable in transactions and in the settlement of debts .
9 The entrances can be defined as those holes exhibiting quantities of scraped-out sand or soil around them , whereas a bolt or exit hole is simply that , a hole in the ground with no other clue to its whereabouts than that hole .
10 Foundations can be defined as those parts of the structure in direct contact with the ground which transfer the weight of the building and the loads exerted on it to the soil beneath .
11 It can be questioned whether this consent is sufficient to comply with R.S.C. , Ord. 15 , r. 6(4) .
12 Clearly he can be dismissed if both Houses present an Address to that effect .
13 Plainly , there is not always a connection between farming and spelling ; indeed , many other documents can be identified where these subjects are not connected .
14 In many cases the static error can be reduced if several phases of the stepping motor are excited at the same time , so the potential benefits of multi-phase excitation are examined with reference to both hybrid and variable-reluctance stepping motors .
15 A noteworthy exception to this trend can be found where some writers have proposed that financial reports move away from the relative subjectivity of all accruals accounting ( subjective because of depreciation charges , stock valuations , etc. ) to the relatively more objective cash flow accounting ( which recognizes only cash inflows and outflows ) .
16 Although the study of Huttenlocher & Zue ( 1984 ) suggests that words in the lexicon remain highly discriminable when represented in broad-classes , or a mixture of broad-classes and phonemes , an excessively large number of word-strings can be derived when these kinds of phonological representations are parsed in continuous speech .
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