Example sentences of "their way [adv prt] from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But of course he was right about the trouser bit because Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face ; what he would n't admit to was that she brought in a lot of custom at the week-end , especially when there was a boat in and some of the sailors would make their way up from the quayside and spend freely on chocolate or toffee for their girls .
2 Two hours later they pushed their way out from the cover of the trees into a tiny clearing no more than a handful of yards across .
3 Otherwise- so quick had been the retreat through the Residency , the men fighting their way back from the hospital and across the yard would find themselves outflanked and unable to reach the connecting trench .
4 If they had bothered to get off their bums and ask some questions , they would have discovered that the pub in question was a regular haunt of the Parsons , who went there for lunch every Saturday on their way back from the supermarket .
5 Since Richard held Seillan responsible for much of the trouble he refused to release him , either for a ransom or in exchange for prisoners taken by Count Raymond , even though these now included two of King Henry 's household knights , who had apparently wandered into the territory of Toulouse on their way back from the shrine of Compostella .
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