Example sentences of "their [adj] [noun] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 I said that , as brewers never sell beer at a loss , why did not the brewers knock £30 or £40 off the price of a barrel to the tenants of their tied houses in the first place ?
2 OPENER Rod Latham completed his maiden Test century as New Zealand consolidated their strong position in the first Test against Zimbabwe in Bulawayo today .
3 Without exception , all ‘ groups ’ ( whether individual or group ) improved their average performance between the first and second repetitions .
4 Speelman and Timman had agreed a draw on Tuesday night in their adjourned game from the first round .
5 However , their leading woman for the first two seasons , June Brae , was a contemporary of Margot Fonteyn , returning to the stage after a break during the war .
6 Since factors incur their major costs in the first year of dealing with a new client and make their best returns the longer the relationship lasts this is an area they must continue to address .
7 Some local education authorities reorganised their primary schools on the first and middle school pattern recommended by Plowden ( eg Surrey , Isle of Wight , Suffolk ) , but the great majority continued to follow the established 5 — 7 , 7 — 11 pattern .
8 Those unemployed were to receive 100 per cent of their former wage during the first month of redundancy and 60 per cent thereafter .
9 Some 169 Washington babies died before their first birthday in the first six months of this year , bringing the capital 's infant mortality rate to 32.3 deaths for every 1,000 live births , a 50 per cent increase on 1988 .
10 In Kirkcaldy only two thirds of patients received a diabetes review by their general practitioner in the first or second year of a two year study and only 50% had annual blood glucose assessments .
11 So too does its preoccupation with the shadow of death , looming in their own generation for the first time .
12 Until now guests at the new premises on Harewood Hill have had to find their own way to the first floor .
13 Apart from O'Leary 's injury , Arsenal had things largely their own way in the first half against a Norwich team who were still obviously suffering from the disappointment of Sunday 's Cup defeat .
14 His revelation touched a nerve among viewers , many of whom phoned in to say how his courage had helped them admit their own problem for the first time .
15 Crusaders were pinned back in their own half for the first 20 minutes as the visiting pack was dominant .
16 In general there was concern to protect the security of their own providers in the first year , to try to sort out the information base for contracting and setting up appropriate systems .
17 They beat Middlesbrough three two er three one rather , three one on their own ground in the first round er of the first leg that is to say of the er four matches in this particular round of the competition .
18 These pressures are much greater among the young who are attempting to find their own accommodation for the first time .
19 They will be aware that the reason for their educational success in the first place was the high proportion of their intake coming from social classes 1 and 2 .
20 Rangers mid-field was particularly ineffectual with their best chance of the first period coming from a Jim Duffy mistake which allowed Duncan Ferguson in .
21 The Annamese mandarin looked at Joseph 's eager face for a moment , then his eyes lost their watchful look for the first time and he smiled .
22 THE South Africans flew out of Jamaica to Trinidad yesterday disappointed at their 107-run defeat in the first one-day international against the West Indies but overwhelmed by their reception in Kingston .
23 I do welcome those who have travelled from York and Hull , perhaps seeing their new Cathedral for the first time .
24 The infantry went to church in their new uniforms for the first time on 9 September , and had the singular honour , a month later , of joining their fellows in the cavalry who were escorting the funeral cortège of the late Earl of Cork ‘ in slow and decorous movement suitable to the solemnity of the occasion ’ .
25 This will coincide with the completion of intensive redecoration of the Primate 's Palace , thus enabling the complete sequence of all six tapestries to be seen in their original setting for the first time in thirty years .
26 ‘ It 's remarkable that , in addition to playing 11 cities around the country , the educational programme played to over 5,000 kids and brought many of them to the main theatre in their local cities for the first time in their lives , on subsidised tickets .
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