Example sentences of "their [noun] from [noun sg] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He says what he believes to be true and even if one disagrees with him , his uncompromising stances are vastly preferable to some of the gobbledy-gook that comes from some sections of the countryside establishment or those who change their views from year to year .
2 All amphibians shed their skin from time to time , but because the burrowing frog remains immobile once it is inside its burrow and cocoon formation has begun , the successive layers of shed skin remain attached to each other .
3 Information is correct at the time of going to press , but museums may have to vary their hours from time to time and it is worth checking before a special visit is made , especially around Christmas , Easter and Bank Holidays .
4 I am more concerned about employers who employ only a few people and whose main criterion is the flexibility of being able to take on staff , to change their hours from time to time and , on occasions , to get them to work 60 or 70 hours a week when they are busy .
5 Afterwards they went to a nightclub and danced and smooched in the smoky blackness , cleaning their throats from time to time with champagne .
6 In an extreme form this analysis would suggest that the senior civil servants constitute an effective and permanent ruling class forced to make adjustments to their policies from time to time because of the intervention of ministers .
7 Jeff does a bit of work on their boat from time to time .
8 As they crawl , they wave their heads from side to side .
9 Norris ' ideas seem highly plausible and if this amazing and beautiful process is a correct understanding of part of the physical aspects of the dolphin 's 3-D sonar system , it also explains why they move their heads from side to side while they are emitting their characteristic echo-locating clicks — they are simply scanning their targets for angular , 3-D information .
10 The others were all shaking their heads from side to side .
11 OWNERS of unregistered dangerous dogs are moving their pets from house to house in a bid to prevent the animals being seized by the police , it has been revealed .
12 In the semi-darkness the houses around the village and the church in the centre of the green stood out like monuments with their shadows changing their shapes from time to time as a cloud obscured part of the moon .
13 Jaw locking , with the pair head to head , holding each other 's mouth and swinging their tails from side to side , all forms part of the overall pre-spawning display ritual .
14 Most had ignored him , some had ruffled and flown in their cages from side to side , clashing their great talons on the bars to intimidate him .
15 In Sheffield a small , interconnected group of industrialists dominated football , passing down their directorships from father to son like family property .
16 But John and Veronica Saunders still make time to decorate their home from top to toe .
17 Of particular interest is the age distribution of the children and it is evident that 12 and 13 year olds are most at risk and this coincides with their transfer from primary to secondary school .
18 For one thing , her subject was in itself appealing to most of the girls , or at least intermittently so ; they enjoyed watching crystals grow , and weighing small things on small scales , and making little bits of sodium whizz round saucers of Water , so they quite voluntarily offered her their attention from time to time .
19 The police have decided to deploy more than one hundred officers on what called a tidal flow operation , slowly shifting their attention from outside to inside the stadium .
20 Here huge surges of Pacific water — sensed as mere vibrations once they had rounded Cape Froward — now rocked their boats from stem to stern .
21 Although elements from each of these components are usually found in the new initiatives , they vary in their emphases from place to place .
22 Furthermore , people vary in their tolerance from day to day , and it is not safe to assume that because you have been to 15,000 feet or so without oxygen before , you will be able to do it again .
23 For example , high-bandwidth cable could be vital in services in which people ‘ dial up ’ their banks from home to conduct financial transactions , perhaps with organisations at the other end of the country or even abroad .
24 Yes , that 's one of the blessing of people not parking so much down the road now , they do n't empty out their ashtrays and their junk from time to time .
25 The publishing world would be badly hit if politicians did not bring forth their diaries from time to time , showing just how they reacted at the time to particular world events .
26 The current rage for portable computing has prompted a greater need for packages to help tired executives move their files from notebook to desktop .
27 During this period contractors frequently made payments in cash and individual sub-contractors changed their names from time to time to avoid detection by Inland Revenue inspectors .
28 The fertile play of dialogue in these novels , often predominating on the printed page , is a constant stream of signals flashed to the reader to help him estimate the age , the mood , and the standing — real or pretended — of their characters from instant to instant .
29 I spent many hours hidden in the bushes , silently watching one pair of bulbuls make their nest from beginning to end .
30 The four men had spent the night scouring their living-quarters from top to bottom .
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