Example sentences of "can [adv] [be] [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 It is not a term without some disadvantages , since it can justifiably be argued that the term ‘ handicapped ’ may have some negative overtones .
2 The two limitations were that recovery will not be available : ( 1 ) where it can properly be said that the payment was made to close the transaction , and ( 2 ) where the payer was mistaken as to the proper interpretation of the statute .
3 It can perhaps be said that the bereavement care teams who usually now come to help at such times are the public recognition of this phenomenon .
4 However , it is not known whether the courts would accept this argument , because it can perhaps be said that the shares management acquire in Newco are acquired pursuant to ( though not causally connected to ) an opportunity offered to management ( namely to buy Target or its business ) by reason of their employment/directorships with the vendor or Target .
5 In this way it can perhaps be argued that the underlying rationale for the existence of the Eurocurrency market has been somewhat undermined , hence the classification by the BIS statistics to encompass the whole International Banking Market , of which the Euromarket is a part .
6 It can only be hoped that the newly aggressive financial players of the Thatcher era manage to avoid the same errors .
7 It is doubtful whether the unfortunates impounded in the Lazzaretto had time to concern themselves with the aesthetic niceties of the building , and it can only be hoped that the church offered them some spiritual comfort .
8 Whilst these changes pose a formidable challenge to exporters , it can only be hoped that the response they evoke will be conducive to the well-being and prosperity of all .
9 Since this was also a period of great affluence , it can only be assumed that the wealthy customers who commissioned the Kamares cups — aristocrats and priestesses among them — could now afford cups of precious metal instead .
10 Even in the simplest case , the lump sum target , it can only be shown that the target can be used to improve welfare under the assumptions that E is neutral in its effect on production and that there are non-decreasing returns to scale .
11 It can only be surmised that the Marquis was feeling pretty flush after a good win when he made that entry into his accounts , or the caddie was a highly favoured young man indeed , for four shillings at that time would have been over the top on the percentages that a caddie can expect from his round nowadays .
12 It can thus be said that the programmer , rather than the user , dictates the form of the final design .
13 It can not be over-emphasised that the future of many of these species of Sussex birds is closely tied to the management of these levels .
14 It can not be over-emphasised that the official timetable volumes take in railways , mountain railways , lake and riverboat services as well as bus services . )
15 Whilst not wishing to create visions of the past as a ‘ Golden Age ’ ( it was certainly not ) , it can not be denied that the main social trends in family organization , particularly since the Industrial Revolution , have increasingly served to isolate ageing people .
16 Although there may be more or less rigorous ways of doing this it can not be denied that the central activity is the same .
17 It can not be overstressed that the purchaser and vendor should continue to consider the need for approvals and clearances throughout the course of negotiations as a change in the terms of the transaction may trigger the relevant legislation which regulates anti-competitive practices , mergers and the creation or expansion of monopolies .
18 However , the position taken by the Court of Appeal loses much of its force if it can not be assumed that the House would have taken non-certified points of appeal had they been raised .
19 Papers subsequently published by such researchers may show no obvious Scottish connection in their titles , but it can not be assumed that the work is unrelated to their thesis topic .
20 Papers subsequently published by such researchers may show no obvious Scottish connection in their titles , but it can not be assumed that the work is unrelated to their thesis topic .
21 It therefore seems better to make use of the experience of the data-base community in building large hyper-bases but it can not be pretended that the benefits of one technology to the other are all in one direction .
22 However , it can not be said that the laws-of-war approach has resulted in clear and unambiguous agreement either among writers or among countries as to the precise restrictions to be placed on nuclear weapons use .
23 It can not be said that the result was entirely logical , and one is tempted to agree with a famous last-century astronomer , Sir John Herschel , that the constellations seem to have been drawn up so as to cause as much inconvenience as possible , but the system has become so well established that it is unlikely to be altered now .
24 Despite the emphasis placed on this aspect of the division of labour by Marxists and non-Marxist sociologists alike , it can not be said that the division by strata forms the ‘ naturally ’ pertinent basis for social identification in capitalist societies .
25 ‘ It can not be said that the contract was cancelled by [ the petitioner ] when payment was not made by [ the first and second respondents ] on 23 May 1988 .
26 Further , now the debates are recorded , it can not be said that the Commons attempt to remain aloof .
27 Based on this study , it can not be said that the pernicious anaemia patients with the greatest risk of developing gastric cancer could be identified using intestinal metaplasia or mild dysplasia in random biopsy specimens as a guide .
28 It is now necessary to consider when a commercial transaction is so structured that it can not be said that the parties are dealing on standard terms at all .
29 The editor may not agree with sentiments in a " letter to the editor " : if sued for libel , does he lose the defence of " fair comment " because it can not be said that the opinion is honestly his ?
30 It certainly can not be argued that the ‘ development plan position will have been clarified ’ or that the Review ( or the Draft ) ‘ will be complete and offer good guidelines as to the issues to be tackled and the Council 's attitude to them ’ .
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