Example sentences of "can [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You ca n't even go down the street like anyone else .
2 I mean they ca n't even go to the shops sometimes and they 're not safe .
3 ‘ It grieves me think that these drivers , sometimes as many as 60 a week , have to pay to spend the night in this car park but ca n't even go to the loo , ’ she said .
4 I mean you ca n't , you ca n't go any , I mean you ca n't even go to the Bridge for er , erm , a meal under a fiver so
5 You ca n't even separate on the ‘ map ’ screens , so you 're doomed to wander around together — does this sound like serious roleplaying , or does it sound like Golden Axe ?
6 The staff group concerned ( composed of teachers from a middle and a first school sharing a site ) had met weekly for a number of times , when one of them , Mr E , presented eight-year-old Dave , ‘ an infuriating boy , who never listens and who ca n't even copy from the board ; there is nothing one can do with him ’ .
7 Reaching out , I ca n't even burst through the paper bag that envelops my being .
8 ‘ Look at me now , I ca n't even get up the stairs . ’
9 you ca n't even get in the car park .
10 You ca n't just knock on the door and ask for him .
11 Now that the spectre of pregnancy is out of the way , is there any reason why we ca n't just continue with the relationship begun on Gullholm ? ’
12 Lewis 's and Blackler 's burnt out , and Lime Street — you ca n't hardly move for the hosepipes all over the ground . ’
13 ‘ This one sounds quite promising , but of course I must see him first — one ca n't always tell from the application , he added primly .
14 ‘ But you ca n't always travel with the apple of your eye . ’
15 ‘ We ca n't always apologize for the past .
16 Waking up at night I ca n't actually differentiate between the two very easily .
17 The Fender ca n't really cope with the 335 at high volumes because it 's such a powerful guitar , so the Hartke adds a hard kind of edge and it keeps the bottom end really tight and sharp . '
18 As one of these ‘ buttons ’ is the exit button , you ca n't really improve on the application 's simplicity !
19 But , if they give up , they ca n't really contribute to the better quality of society .
20 And so , you ca n't really get under the canape put up your shower , this is what I wanted , I wanted it to look like a cubicle
21 It would have made it more difficult , but the way that Maxwell used to involve himself in bulk transfers , you know and move , move two hundred pensioners from there to there and er no money followed and this sort of thing , I think that er that he could of quite frankly done exactly the same thing and we really feel that the , that the role of the pension regulator and the and the opposing role with I M R O that , that you really if we 're not careful , we 're going to put in another layer of bureaucracy and have a pension regulator who 's got the task of of checking a , a hundred and twenty eight thousand pension funds , when really there 's probably out of those a hundred and twenty eight thousand , ninety-nine point five per cent of probably being very well well run and , and quite safe and what , what we ca n't really see in the report is a is a method of identifying the determined fraudster at a at a very early stage , you know and we 're just terribly disappointed that er that Good has just thrown the whole of , of the matter back at I M R O who we feel have proved to tha that I do n't think they 're up to the task , I think that the that the whole question of er of the power of a self regulatory body which to us works on blowing the whistle , you know the whole the whole effect of a self regulatory body is that it 's members that it , it 's really like a club is n't it , you know and we 're all members of this club and if one of us er is gon na do something wrong , then the rest of us are gon na have to pay for it .
22 I suppose my point is that if things are to get better ( or should I say keep getting better ) then we ca n't really look to the likes of Mel to come back .
23 I do n't mean that Elgar is a sensuous composer , but I mean the fluidity of Elgar , which is very much his style , which we admire and which is part and parcel of our sort of heritage , they do n't see the point of it , they ca n't really enter into the spirit of it .
24 All I 'm saying is at the moment , she ca n't apparently cope with the demand on her for bags .
25 The point , therefore , is to validate Marxism , to show that it is not simply a method of interpretation , nor even that it is the best method of interpretation that can most successfully account for the facts and the course of history , but to prove a priori that history works according to dialectical structures , and to demonstrate ‘ the moments of their inter-relations , the ever vaster and more complex movement which totalises them and , finally , the very direction of the totalization , that is to say , the ‘ meaning of History ’ and its Truth , ( I , 69 ) .
26 When the life of a child can so easily hang in the balance , is there not a case for recommending that all parents attend a practical course in first aid , rather than relying on the printed page ?
27 Threadworms are much more common than many people realise and can so easily sweep through the cleanest and most fastidious of families with young children .
28 Besides , with this creed I can so clearly distinguish between the criminal and his crime , I can so sincerely forgive the first , while I abhor the last with this creed revenge never worries my heart , degradation never too deeply disgusts me , injustice never crushes me too low , I live in calm looking to the end .
29 Whereas-it was common in their own time for the Teddy Boys to be contrasted with a nostalgically remembered state of pre-existing harmony ‘ twenty years ago ’ or ‘ before the war ’ , given the real horror which greeted their arrival we can perhaps only marvel at the way in which the nostalgic trick of amnesia can now work in the Teds ' favour .
30 I can only briefly touch upon the FAST Biosociety findings .
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