Example sentences of "can [be] [verb] [prep] many [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It can be coloured in many shades by adding metal impurities , as the medieval glass-makers knew , who used their scientific skills to bring subtleties of light into the great European cathedrals .
2 The mill buildings themselves tower over Tewkesbury and can be seen for many miles around .
3 The timber bracing was built into stone and rubble walls as well , as can be seen at many points round the Knossos Labyrinth , so it seems likely that earthquake-resistance was the likely purpose .
4 This can be done in many ways .
5 This particular exercise can be done in many ways , always up to time , always with the first part of the sentence unchanged , although the second part is different :
6 Details of monies to be collected can be transmitted in many ways — magnetic tape , floppy disk , telephone , or through computer bureau — depending on individual preference .
7 They are the acknowledged experts in negotiating competitive rates at hotels around the world , and savings of up to 20% can be achieved on many properties .
8 This can be achieved in many ways : ( 1 ) by differing frequencies and wavelengths in the two sets ( 2 ) by differing rhythmic groupings so that one set of parallels is more energetic than the other ( 3 ) by flexing one set of parallels more than the other .
9 So exhaustive has been his research , and its presentation in the catalogue , that it is difficult to imagine any circumstances in which this great work of reference can be surpassed for many generations of scholars .
10 These can be caused in many ways , from infection in another part of the eye such as the eyelids , the iris ( iritis ) or the ciliary body .
11 Depending on the purpose for which it is intended , the lexicon can be compiled in many ways .
12 Because deep meditation can be likened in many ways to the altered state of hypnosis , and because those who have a profound interest in such forms of meditation are likely to be on a deliberate spiritual voyage of discovery , they may be able to pass more easily through those barriers of protection normally erected by the subconscious mind .
13 This , it will now be seen , can be justified not only by necessary limitations of space , but by the advantage that can be gained in many respects from sacrificing generality in favour of contextual particularity .
14 Hence even a specific target , say " price to cover average costs ' , can be met in many ways , because average costs may be high because the firm is relatively inefficient , or low because it is relatively efficient .
15 The choice of topic or subject area can be influenced by many factors .
16 This is typical of pentatonic harmony , which can be manipulated in many ways to give either an archaic quality or a sense of modernity .
17 User-defined general formulas , stored separately from data , that can be applied to many cells at once , reducing the complexity and increasing the readability and ‘ shareability ’ of spreadsheets .
18 Social learning theory can be applied in many cases but is too extensive when it says that nothing in the human being is innate and that everything must be learnt .
19 These resources should be open ended and act as a facilitator to support the child 's efforts , similar to those described by Bell and Best ( 1986 ) , which are content free and can be applied in many contexts .
20 Systems theory can be applied in many ways to behaviour at work .
21 Absorption of vital minerals can be affected with many consequences to both physical and mental health , notably through vitamin deficiency .
22 Doubts of this kind can be expressed in many ways , but they are usually notable for one important feature — their lack of urgency .
23 Modern faith suffers from a severe shortage of understanding in its basic diet , a deficiency which can be detected at many points .
24 Mental confusion can be assuaged in many ways , and one of the best ways for me is exercise .
25 Sampling must mean abandoning certainty for probability , but this is not any great problem if sampling is correctly carried out , since the margins of probable error can be calculated in many instances .
26 Electronic Publishing can be viewed from many directions .
27 Christian conversion is rich in multi-dimensional truths and can be viewed from many angles .
28 The corpus can be subdivided in many ways ; one of which is by subject area .
29 The origin of ITV can be explained in many ways : as a classic case ( perhaps the first , post-war ) of high pressure political lobbying ; as Churchill 's revenge on the BBC for its disdainful treatment of him during the 1926 General Strike and in his wilderness years in the 1930s , when he was largely kept off the air ; or as part of the Conservative move to ‘ set the people free ’ from the bureaucracy and greyness allegedly intrinsic to Labour planning and the construction of the welfare state ( sweets , be it remembered , did not finally come off ration until 1953 ) .
30 Static or declining firms are likely to be valued at less than the book value of their assets , while rapidly growing firms can be priced at many times the book value of their assets , reflecting the fact that growth adds value to the initial investment outlay .
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