Example sentences of "would [be] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To see profit as the prime motivation to LMS would be to detract from the sense of involvement and success that support staff may potentially receive from its effective management .
2 It is tempting to suggest that the public conception came from memory and the private metaphors from their inner worlds of inner objects , but to draw such a fine distinction would be to go beyond the evidence I have .
3 In 1920 , considering ‘ the impotence of contemporary drama ’ , he had concluded that ‘ The natural evolution , for us , would be to proceed in the direction indicated by Browning ; to distil the dramatic essences , if we can , and infuse them into some other liquor . ’
4 To infer the existence of such a duty from the mere possibility that the mother was with child when she was received as a passenger by the defendants would be to act without the sanction of any judicial decision or , in my opinion , of any legal principle .
5 Far more effective , he considered ( and there was no anti-Semitism involved , though inevitably most of the recent refugees were Jews ) , would be to put on the air people who , while speaking intelligible German , would be identified as representative British people .
6 And since the effect would be to put off the catastrophe indefinitely , since Capitalism could now continue by reason of policies which provided also a solution to the problem of unemployment , Empirical Socialism need no longer distinguish itself from the Marxist version solely by the method and pace of change , by being evolutionary rather than revolutionary .
7 I do not wish to exclude him from such private and individual arenas , for to do so would be to fly in the face of Christian tradition from the fathers to C. S. Lewis and Cardinal Suenens ( 1982 ) in our own time .
8 Assuming that we wanted to explore the harmonic potential of a basic C major scale ( remember you can and should apply this approach to other scale types as well ! ) , the first step would be to play through the triads ( a suggested fingering with each maj chord voiced 1,5,1,3 , each min chord voiced 1,2,1 , ♭3 , and the diminished chord voiced 1 , ♭5,1 , ♭3 is given in fig 1 ) .
9 He insisted that the least he could do would be to pay for the coffee , and he always tried to do the least that he could .
10 The more those kids were deprived and maltreated , the more motivated they would be to get aboard the enterprise culture and start creating wealth .
11 But for the radical interpreter , this would be to throw in the towel at a crucial conceptual conjuncture , imputing our intentional framework to another , dumb species .
12 Some companies ( particularly in the USA ) , in response to these and other factors , decided in the late 70s and early 80s that they should designate within their organisations a person or persons whose job would be to specialise in the acquisition and processing of information from the environment that might be of potential strategic importance .
13 In that case , one way of inflicting a loss of profit in retaliation for reneging on the agreement would be to revert to the NE of the one-shot game , either permanently or for a number of periods sufficient to wipe out the gains from reneging , if that is possible .
14 All we would need to do would be to chop off the head of the price raisers .
15 THE past decade has proved just how foolhardy it would be to gaze into the crystal ball and confidently predict what lies ahead in the next 10 years .
16 Basically er the broad overall description would be to compensate for the conditions that the tenants had been living in prior to the move .
17 To think otherwise would be to succumb to the glamour and particularity with which seniority was invested by the boys themselves ; the critical fact was that , in the fullness of time , little boys who were beaten by big ones might reasonably expect to do the beating themselves .
18 The aim of a programme to expand primary care would be to provide in the community services currently provided in hospitals where this is appropriate and cost effective .
19 A primary role of the party in the new disposition , he said , would be to work against the threat of social polarization inherent in restructuring and the move towards a market economy .
20 However , this argument was rejected in the House of Lords and Lord Wilberforce ( at p372 ) said that to : … suppose that the assignments were made not by way of sale but by way of security would be to impose upon the parties a form of transaction totally different from that which they had selectednamely , one of saleand of which there was no evidence whatsoever that either of them desired …
21 An even more revealing way to consider the changes in the popularity of divorce would be to look at the proportion of each marriage cohort that divorces after a particular period of time .
22 Abstracting from these difficult matters , an attractive approach to inequality would be to look at the lifetime purchasing power broadly defined over goods and services enjoyed by individuals , appropriately discounted to give a common basis for comparison .
23 Another method would be to look at the Automobile Association 's figures on the cost of running a motor car of that engine capacity or at the cost of hiring such a car .
24 Perhaps the best course would be to speak in the debate on policy and public relations , a pretty appeal for less of the first and more of the second ?
25 The closer the number of times we felt cold came to equalling the number of times we felt warm , the more inclined we would be to think of the words ‘ warm ’ and ‘ cold ’ as applying to the sensation only indirectly .
26 For while they indicate how complicated and taxing it would be to build inside the scaffolding erected by Althusser , they do not show either that the building would stand or that it is doomed to collapse .
27 ‘ On the other hand , if you 've allowed yourself to be persuaded either by Lotta 's silver tongue or her golden purse to attempt to defraud me — then your best course of action now would be to make for the door before I remember that the blood of the ancient Vikings still runs in my veins ! ’
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