Example sentences of "would [verb] do the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Idly I wonder if she 'd have done the same thing had the play been Shakespearean : ‘ Now is the winter of our discontent … but leaving aside discontent for the moment I want you all to put your hands together for good old birthday boy Barry in Box B. All together now , Happy Birthday to you … ’
2 Daedalus would like to do the same thing for human senses , and DREADCO chemists are now at work on his ‘ contrast-exalting spectacles ’ or ‘ Cexspex ’ ( Regd. ) make of a cunning tinted glass .
3 I would like to do the same thing to them
4 ‘ Anyone in her shoes would have done the same thing . ’
5 So they er would have done the same thing in those days , the children , and erm it fitted in to the easter holiday time to have the actual ploughing match , you see ?
6 It eventually emerged , after dogged questioning in parliament , that the PSA would have done the same job for £1,500 .
7 Even to play with a pick I would have to do the same thing , like Phil Lynott did , whereas to play with my fingers in a heavy metal kind of way , as I normally do , I have to have the bass quite low or else my wrist gets mangled up and I start having problems with tendonitis .
8 erm and and ladies perhaps would tend to do the same sort of thing .
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