Example sentences of "would [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You 'd need someone with a good deal of local knowledge to pull that off . ’
2 I reckon I 'd do it for a thousand pounds .
3 We thought it was so good that we 'd do it for the old people 's home .
4 I thought we 'd do it in the fresh air rather than in the car , cos it just means
5 Confusion was muddling her responses , putting up barriers where she 'd give anything for a free and open path forward …
6 Donna was n't sure whether it was perspiration or if she 'd wet herself in the hectic chase .
7 ‘ So I said I 'd see them in a few days .
8 You 'd plan it around the main course the main the main meat .
9 He 'd like one with a spare bedroom so the children can come and stop .
10 Christine I said we 'd meet her by the baked beans so
11 She 'd confront him in a matter-of-fact way .
12 What they 're saying in effect is that they 're not going to entrust their latest toy to their closest ally because we 'd flog it to the first Russian we came across . ’
13 Old Peter was off to a STBO Club trip to Warwick Castle and besides , we 'd pay him for the two barrowloads we liberated .
14 ‘ Your need 's greater than mine , ’ and then he 'd tell me about the new necklace he 'd bought for his missus .
15 you 'd write it as a single positive okay now because there 's a two
16 To give Perdita confidence in her first chukka , he 'd put her on a dark brown pony called Chimango ( which meant bird of prey ) , who was as steady as a rock , but who swept down on the ball like a hawk .
17 I 'd put her in a total dither .
18 If the authorities read that they 'd put me on the next bus to [ name of border area ] and keep me there .
19 I just made the whole bed and then realized I 'd put it on the wrong way .
20 There was the Youth Hostel if you were desperate , he said , but they wondered where your back-pack was and you had to say you 'd put it in the Left Luggage at the station .
21 I 'd put you in a tight dress .
22 It had been a silly , spur-of-the-moment impulse to deny it , but by lying to him she 'd put herself in an invidious position .
23 If that were all , I 'd applaud it as a wise and public-spirited action and I hope it starts a trend .
24 But you 'd regret it in the long run , I think , would n't you ?
25 About thirty in each suite to differ and a master key and as I say there was five suites and they had to make a key that 'd open everyone of the fifty-five .
26 I 'd say something like a hundred million million times harder than anything you 're likely to do in normal everyday life .
27 I 'd accept you as an honorary woman any day ! ’
28 ‘ I 'd blindfold you with a silken scarf and tie your wrists and ankles to the bedpost with silken ribbons . ’
29 ‘ With one bound I would throw myself on the large white bearskin , which I adored , and cover its great head with kisses . ’
30 It was suggested that Library staff could take over this function , since they are scanning the journals in any case , and the work would lend itself to the eventual creation of an image database , but Library staff shortages have made it impossible to undertake this work systematically .
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