Example sentences of "would [verb] [verb] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But who 'd want to work in the small labs if the more exciting stuff went elsewhere ? "
2 At first sight , he was the kind of big , bull-headed Irish-American you 'd expect to see in a blue uniform directing traffic , but he had Cyprus pretty much in his pocket and was planning to retire there after he 'd put in his twenty years .
3 You 'd hesitate to drink in the hallucinatory detail of the visual field , to assimilate the odd distancing of natural sound , before joyously plunging with your cronies into your outdoor make-believe .
4 I bet you 'd look smashing in a wotchermercallit , he said .
5 Well okay this morning what I 'd like to do in the half hour or so that we 've got before lunch is to talk about the skills we need when we actually come up here to deliver then this afternoon we 'll look at that feedback from the video and what you did and then we 'll move on to the skills of design , the preparation skills .
6 you 'd like to work in the three ? one more just simply because it 's , it gives you more sound impulse
7 I 'd always thought I 'd like to work in an old people 's home .
8 Once again , you know , you 'd have thought in a green field construction site that you would n't get access problems and in er , a restricted area like a city centre building or er , a you would get access problems .
9 However , it is difficult to say if this is desirable from the residents ' point of view , or whether they would prefer to live in a mixed group of people with differing levels of disability ; when asked , most patients express a preference for being with others who do not have behavioural problems .
10 Frankly , neither looked like the kind of man that a woman would want to meet in a dark street … or even darker car park .
11 It also accepted that part of AEA would need to remain in the public sector .
12 The pre-1974 local authority budget cycle was like this : each committee of a local council would discuss how much it would need to spend in the coming financial year , beginning in April .
13 ‘ To catch it they would need to go in the opposite direction first to Thornaby station , where parking is limited .
14 It was a problem they would need to address in the coming days .
15 Until the findings of such research become available , the weight of argument and evidence would appear to fall in the opposite direction .
16 He would appear to believe in an invented truth , an invented reality — a Rortyan reality , one might be inclined to call it at times .
17 Apart from the all-important cloth trade , however , the city had the normal , diversified economic structure that one would expect to find in a major provincial market centre and head of diocesan administration .
18 A quite important task is to try to show why the set of intensional patterns is not , as might at first appear , a haphazard collection but in fact the natural set that one would expect to find in a human language .
19 The houses were much richer environments , decorated and equipped with the wide range of furnishings and domestic items one would expect to find in an average household .
20 In addition to the aerodrome forecast , the Met 's other principal offering is a regional forecast which again follows the kind of format you would expect to find in the various sources at the airfield .
21 These vast walls were slashed across with bizarre colours like some monstrous oil-painting … it was the kind of valley one would expect to find in the exotic landscape of a dead planet ’ .
22 From time to time one or another would begin to scrape in the gravelly bank , or venture a little way in among the trees and nut-bushes to scuffle in the leaf-mould .
23 They might well talk to a pretty lady when they would hesitate to confide in an old man like me . ’
24 Having selected a remedy it must now be given , but first I would like to put in a little reassurance .
25 It will appeal to people who would like to live in a large country house but who ca n't at the moment , and also to foreign customers who do n't have a base in this country
26 I would like to help in a general way with Friends ' events
27 If you would like to work in a striped pattern , how about working in variegated stripes ?
28 Yet it is precisely that kind of issue that the coalition would like addressed in a coherent and collaborative fashion .
29 If all scientists were and remained normal scientists then a particular science would become trapped in a single paradigm and would never progress beyond it .
30 They think , perhaps , more in terms of what knowledge and skills they would hope to find in a secondary school entrant rather than of those one might expect from a child who had successfully completed a primary school course .
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