Example sentences of "say to have been [verb] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 More than 160 members of the security forces were said to have been killed since February .
2 There are in existence some brief audio recordings of alleged two-way radio conversations between Blake and Bourke which are said to have been made in October 1966 .
3 On one occasion , Soraya saw a gynaecologist who was said to have been sent by Kim Roosevelt .
4 According to an oral tradition first set down thirty years after her death by Samuel Peckover , a prominent local Quaker , she was said to have been born in Paris , the daughter of James , Duke of York , then in exile , and an unnamed maid of honour to Queen Henrietta Maria , and to have lived at the English court from the Restoration to 1688 without , apparently , any contemporary ever noticing her .
5 The murder was said to have been masterminded by Fabio Ravalli .
6 Perrier 's source of Vergeze in southern France is said to have been discovered by Hannibal in the year 218BC .
7 IBM top brass is said to have been meeting with Hewlett-Packard officials at various locations around the US over the last few days to lobby for their support and an announcement may now be imminent .
8 The secret detention centre of Tazmamert in south-eastern Morocco is said to have been demolished in mid-September 1991 and its inmates moved to an undisclosed location .
9 Royal author Andrew Morton , whose best-seller Diana : Her True Story , is said to have been approved by Diana and many believe was the nail in the coffin of the royal marriage , said the princess may marry again .
10 To them its power to revive tired bodies and falling spirits , to drive out the chill and rekindle hope was a gift direct from God … which may not be entirely fanciful , since the art of distilling is said to have been brought to Scotland by the first Christian missionary monks .
11 Ground elder is said to have been brought to Britain by the Romans as a remedy for gout and has plagued us ever since .
12 There is a cross in the churchyard which is said to have been brought from Kilham at the time of the plague which decimated that village .
13 Valued at about one million francs , these are said to have been sold by von Keller to an English jeweller by the name of Mawe .
14 The 11 youngsters discussed the links between Cleveland , the De Brus family and its most famous member , Robert the Bruce , the Scottish king said to have been born at Skelton Castle .
15 On 24 February 1827 he married Hannah Keetch , said to have been born in Newfoundland .
16 Well over 30 years later , renewed speculation as to the cause of Mozart 's premature death was prompted by an extraordinary confession said to have been made by Salieri — then in his 70s , extremely ill , and mentally unstable .
17 Interior Minister Col. Manuel José Antonio was arrested on Aug. 11 for questioning in connection with an attempted coup uncovered on June 24 and said to have been planned for June 25 ( the 16th anniversary of Mozambique 's independence ) .
18 He had bullet wounds said to have been inflicted by Mr Athulathmudali 's bodyguard , and had apparently finished himself off by taking cyanide , a method of suicide used by Tamil Tiger guerrillas .
19 In a taped voluntary statement said to have been given by MacIver , a lorry driver , he told Inspector Angus Chisholm he had been approached two weeks earlier in a pub by a Glasgow taxi driver he knew called Joe Hughes .
20 The tape , said to have been recorded in December 1989 — two weeks before the so-called Dianagate recording of a conversation between the Princess and her friend James Gilbey — has not been denied by Buckingham Palace .
21 Sainte En grace the saint was in fact Portuguese , and said to have been martyred in Saragossa in the fourth century .
22 There reports were received from far and wide about recommendations already said to have been submitted to Downing Street .
23 A set of wings was also introduced , said to have been designed by Jock Lewes .
24 Its quadrangle is graced by two historic trees : one a huge holm oak planted in 1728 , the other a thorn tree said to have been planted by Mary , Queen of Scots .
25 He survived the ‘ Cumberland plot ’ in 1829 , when a rumour said to have been started by Ernest , Duke of Cumberland [ q.v. ] , circulated , saying that the Duchess of Kent was Conroy 's mistress .
26 He remembered the old map in the library , said to have been drawn by Richard Carew himself .
27 The main theme is , however , in the bass — the so-called ‘ royal theme ’ , said to have been invented by Frederick the Great of Prussia .
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