Example sentences of "say well [adv] [verb] not [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And er and she said he enjoys it and he goes to playgroup I think he must go to Dennington playgroup cos he 's going to Dennington school , and he enjoys sitting down and being , likes looking at books and he 's started writing and she said actually she said I 'm really panicking because I 'm frightened that I might be teaching him wrong and that I 'm I said well why do n't you pop in and have a word at the school ?
2 erm set of numbers , erm any way he was coming round and I just kept saying well I 'm stuck a minute , he says why , I says it does n't look right he says well why does n't it look right ? , he said well why does n't it look right ? ,
3 he says well why do n't you use your pass ?
4 cos it was all fresh cos he was gon na get meat tomorrow and the following day , so I says to him I says well why did n't you use your cheque book ? , he says oh I never thought of that he says , cos it takes a few days to get it , he do n't know with a cheque book
5 Well Jodie wanted to come with us and I phoned up and they could n't get her in so then she started saying well why do n't you stay here mum , and all that , I said yeah just when it bloody suits her she wants you to cook her dinner , said she 'd have been she should have I said she 'd be prepared to pay it , I 've already got her a seat she said
6 erm set of numbers , erm any way he was coming round and I just kept saying well I 'm stuck a minute , he says why , I says it does n't look right he says well why does n't it look right ? , he said well why does n't it look right ? ,
7 I , well that was where it came from I mean cos we were all sitting there and I said well why do n't we call it it was , it was that or Bailey 's Irish Cream and absolute we could get away with .
8 I mean when Rutherford did his experiments years and years ago he produced his planetary model of the nucleus , of the atom where the nucleus plays the role of the sun and the electrons play the role of the planets , and people said well why do n't they just spiral in an erm Rutherford had actually no answer to this , but the answer to this was produced by the Danish physicist Nils Bore , who said ‘ Well they do n't spiral in because erm electrons can not just take up any orbit , they can take up certain specified orbits which he called stationary states , and there is a lowest one of these , and when the electron gets down there it can not go any further .
9 I said well why do n't you se she said well you 've got ta come and pick the books , I said well I ca n't come all that way , I said it 's hardly worth my while , I said why do n't
10 When , when you 'd gone Lindsey said well why did n't you take me .
11 So , there 's perhaps an idea for you is when you go back and you wan na get a bit of clout with your boss is to say well why do n't we set up a er training matrix just to check where everyone 's .
12 Er , you might just say well why do n't we pass that on to the clients , but we do n't .
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