Example sentences of "would not [verb] [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After we had the second child we had the rows , he 'd not let me go to her when she cried .
2 But if the electrons in the inversion layer are connected to a reservoir , as we have asserted to explain the plateaux , one would not expect them to behave like free , independent particles .
3 I , I er , you would not expect me to continue with the euphoria which you were trying to create earlier , and er , I have to say that I suppose that you would n't er , be proposing any different budget to this would you , in the circumstances that you 've got .
4 Order , or or or order , order , the honourable lady would not expect me to comment on something that has been on television , er in something that I I have no er I I did n't even see last night , it 's up to the minister whether he wishes to come and make a statement it is really not at all a point of order for me .
5 This authority is taking a somewhat different view to that public inquiry than the erm the highways authority er after shire hill er erm so I I think if we were to take a decision tonight it could affect our position at the public inquiry adversely er and I would not want us to get into that situation so I think to some extent er councillor timing on this motions is wrong and we should n't be be er discussing it now .
6 You see , when Wolsey fell from power and died in Leicester Abbey , crushing my hand and whispering , ‘ If I had served my God as well as I served my king , he would not leave me to die like this , ’ Agrippa transferred his allegiance to Henry and brought those two witches over to build a special clock .
7 Their heads were actually downcast , they themselves were ashamed of it and yet they would not commit themselves to vote for it .
8 Nevertheless , it was clear that the wisest Cambridge leaders whom he could consult would not regard his going as betrayal if he felt it right .
9 One might expect , a priori , that no empirical ( that is perception-based ) observations could provide evidence in support of a metaphysical theory of perception ; that perceptions would not enable us to get to the root of perception .
10 I 'm disturbed with what Phil says as he argues that we should trust staff but we would not like them knocking on doors .
11 Those early years were best forgotten and he would not allow himself to dwell on them if he could possibly help it .
12 Tony said he would not allow himself to get into the same state and that he would talk to someone about how he was feeling , probably his father or even his mother , and that he would try to do something active about his problems , rather than just giving up .
13 The headmaster would not allow them to go into the sixth form here .
14 But in addition , when they reached Lyons , the king 's messenger told Anselm that the king would not allow him to return to England unless he promised to observe the customs of the kingdom as they had been in the time of Rufus .
15 He would have liked to join them as he was tired of being a lurking Briton but his sense of loyalty would not allow him to defect to the other side .
16 He had been put under the tutelage of Sergeant Bragg , a great bear of a man , a man whose principles would not allow him to stoop to the self-serving tactics of his superiors .
17 She would not allow herself to feel like his prisoner .
18 I would not have you worry about the stairs . ’
19 I would not have you sing in any chains .
20 But there are many people who would not find it fulfilling to be themselves at any cost and at the expense of another .
21 I would not let them suffer from my selfish desire to have my own life .
22 PACKIE BONNER is angry that Glasgow Celtic boss Liam Brady would not let him go on loan to Premier Division club Middlesbrough .
23 Now Whitaker must concentrate on an Olympic challenge with the charismatic grey , as Mr and Mrs Bradley , who would not let him go to Seoul , have given permission for him to compete in Barcelona .
24 It was hard to leave , too , because the parents of my good friend Henry Clerval would not let him go to university with me .
25 She would not let him get under her skin .
26 Boo does not conform to the community 's code because when he got into trouble at the age of 18 , his father , a very strict Baptist , undertook to punish his son himself , rather than let the law do it and for the rest of his life until he died , he kept his son away from the outside world and would not let him mix with the neighbours .
27 She would not let him trample over her !
28 To Alex Harbury 's chagrin Riley would not let him work on the prison release dates story and sent him to interview a Girlie winner .
29 They would not let her speak at table and made her wear a white canvas apron and a short gown ‘ so that she should be held a fool ’ ; but , said Margery with unholy self-satisfaction , ‘ she was held in more worship than they were , wherever they went ’ .
30 But that little plan was soon put a stop to , for mother would not let me go by myself , and there was nobody to go with me .
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