Example sentences of "would be [vb pp] [coord] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly , the ruling would be quashed and the case remitted to the Special Commissioners .
2 It has been argued that continuous agriculture could be maintained if a closed nutrient cycle could be achieved , the canopy not perforated so that leaching would be prevented and the forest floor would not deteriorate , and if nutrients were added to equal those exported as crops and the diversity of species maintained .
3 ’ One traditional way of discovering God 's will had been that of the biblical sortes — the question would be posed and the Bible then opened at random .
4 It should be stated that the full effectiveness of Community provisions would be affected and the protection of the rights they recognise undermined if individuals were not able to recover damages when their rights were infringed by a breach of Community law attributable to a member state .
5 After Hitler had again suggested in a speech in mid-March 1941 that Britain would be conquered and the war ended finally in Germany 's favour within the next year , people were heard to remark that ‘ the Führer had never held out a prospect of something which had not happened ’ , and that one could therefore unquestionably rely upon the imminent defeat of Britain and end of the war .
6 The reforms provided a clear statement of the five main objectives of EC regional policy ( Table 7.1 ) , the means by which policy would be implemented and the role of each of the Structural Funds in meeting these objectives .
7 Joe Delaney , the FAI 's security officer , said : ‘ FIFA have known for long enough when and where this match would be played and the background to it .
8 If the parking of staff cars is allowed it was felt a precedent would be created and the parking of customers ' cars would then be a natural progression .
9 Needless to say , this is no reason why feminists should cease their demands ( quite the reverse ) , but it is a reason why the demand for abolition will never be met in isolation ; and even if it were it would be pointless overall , since further anomalies would be created and the burden of injustice simply shifted to other women .
10 Without doubt , the key element here is that of traffic safety , for if pedestrian-vehicle conflict could be reduced or eradicated , the underlying attractiveness of walking would be revealed and the way cleared to solving the remaining problems .
11 Ian Abbey , Conservative chairman of the education committee assured her at yesterday 's Tory-controlled full council meeting that children would be fed and the letter would be investigated .
12 If an error was detected in a program after this line had been executed , the message " Oh No ! " would be printed and the program terminated .
13 Remember this when you write an argument : that they depend , to a large extent , on the antagonists not hearing one another — for if they heard and understood one another , then a measure of sympathy would be extended and the continuance of the row would be threatened .
14 A more generous expansion of existing centres would be permitted and the zone would provide the sites for eight new satellites ( ten sites being suggested ) , while the general character of a prevailing agricultural use would be secured .
15 By about six o'clock it would be finished and the rezdore , the housewives in the dialect , would clear the tables and do the washing-up , gossiping and laughing .
16 Seven or eight hours later the 20-page script would be finished and the Teacher 's depleted .
17 Obviously , if probes in this region were deleted one by one , starting from the probes known as repetitive ( containing ribosomal DNA or belonging to telomeres in this case ) , less of them would be deleted and the overlap would be successfully detected .
18 This meant , for example , that no smoking would be allowed and the use of the blue drawing room would have to be on an occasional basis .
19 Government subsidies would be reduced and the workforce cut from 130,000 to 100,000 .
20 On June 12 Bufi told the People 's Assembly that priority would be given to restoring supplies of food and industrial goods ; privatization would be speeded up and public expenditure cut ; international financial aid would be sought ; legislation would provide social assistance for those made unemployed by economic restructuring ; the health service would be privatized and the depoliticization of education and of the military would be encouraged .
21 Unprofitable state enterprises would be closed and the money supply stabilized .
22 Soon after the completion of the Albert Dock , it became apparent that further dock accommodation would be required and the construction of the Edinburgh Dock was undertaken .
23 Close advisors were also thought to have warned him that unless a compromise solution was found , crucial funding for the IMF-approved economic adjustment programme would be severed and the country would be diplomatically isolated .
24 The suggestion is not that we should lift the laws of libel , which would be one other possible step to take , because if we were to do so witnesses would be inhibited and the opportunity for justice would be damaged .
25 No patients would be identified and the information would be confidentially passed to the British Medical Association and then on to the Home Office .
26 Soon the day 's post would be delivered and the desk would be heaped with padded envelopes containing yesterday 's blood samples from the drink and driving cases .
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