Example sentences of "would be [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Others were convinced that they 'd be well suited to life in combat uniform .
2 I 'd be hard pushed to single out any particular track for special praise .
3 ‘ There 's a water main burst down by Lime'ouse Church so yer 'd be better goin' via Cable Street .
4 But if manufacturers were to try too hard to come up with new ideas we 'd be constantly faced with designs to rival Gibson 's semi-mythical Moderne and Burns ' Flyte in the grossness stakes .
5 At home we 'd be constantly waiting for windows in the weather .
6 I suppose I knew what your reaction would be , but thought in my arrogance that if I presented you with a fait accompli , the sale of the land , your money back , you 'd be so overwhelmed with gratitude that you 'd immediately fall into my arms . ’
7 It was recognised that what would be most welcomed by policymakers and others was a service that not only helped to keep people out of institutions if that was their wish , but did so in a way that was both acceptable to recipients and less expensive than alternative institutional care .
8 It was suggested that tolerance for ambiguity would be most needed by individuals faced with low predictability work and that the ability to cope with pressure would be most critical when the urgency was high .
9 This would ensure that they would be firmly established within heroin user networks and not peripheral to them .
10 He cringed at the elaborate Dickensian menus adorning each place , but was grateful for the fact that the catastrophe of the banquet , for such he was sure it would be , would be firmly laid at Mr Dickens 's door and not his own .
11 Their jobs would be completely lost for Hertfordshire , you ca n't commute from Hatfield to Stansted and those people Hatfield
12 There are also about 180 properties in the flood plain in Buckinghamshire , and others in Berkshire with either floor levels above the flood level or even on dry land islands that would be completely surrounded by flood water .
13 You could n't call Tom Russell 's sister pretty , Belinda decided , but at the same time she knew that most men would be instantly attracted to Mrs Hamilton and would call her beautiful .
14 Only a Tzarina can wield it and if any man were even to touch the blade he would be instantly frozen to death .
15 Newspapers and packets would be thrown out by Cadwallader onto the platform while any more fragile parcels would be carefully lobbed into Mrs Bason 's out-stretched skirt .
16 Laidlaw 's raid , however , had other repercussions , for the Japanese built more extensive defences around Dili and manned them day and night ; a use of men and resources that in eight or so weeks would be desperately needed on Guadalcanal , or later that year in defences against other Allied landings .
17 Whatever gains they made from Smith 's 10 per cent increase in allowances would be largely offset by Norman Lamont 's new 20 per cent income tax band .
18 He voiced their torment at knowing their children would be medically examined without consent and without any familiar face being present .
19 Meanwhile , reflecting upon the record of the Labour government of 1945–51 and on the policies which its successor should pursue , he argued for a coherent socialist policy which would be freshly committed to ideals and be capable of realization .
20 In Austria it was announced on Aug. 13 that the visa requirement for Poles would be finally lifted on Sept. 1 — having originally been abolished in 1988 , but having been hurriedly re-introduced in on Sept. 6 , 1990 , in the face of a massive immigration surge .
21 Mr Kelly said that everything would be strictly controlled in Cagliari .
22 And he said the application would be strongly opposed by residents .
23 The decision to go ahead or not would be based on a business assessment of the development costs against potential revenue , and the decision would be strongly influenced by customer input .
24 The direct cost of the Gulf war to France was estimated at between F8,000 million and F9,000 million , which would be partially covered by contributions from Kuwait ( US$1,000 million ) , Germany ( DM300 million ) , Belgium and Japan .
25 An average Rover costing around £10,000 would be automatically reduced by £450 .
26 At the Organising Committee , the retiring CEB chairman had confidently suggested that the old CEB organisation could continue to handle matters in this field and there would be little need for change : ‘ The CEB in conjunction with a strong committee on which the Ministry of Supply were represented were working hard on the generating plant extensions and it would not be necessary for the Organising Committee to worry over-much about the details of this programme in the meantime . ’
27 If everyone in , say , librarianship , was agreed on the best way to organize library services there would be little need for research , for conferences or for journals and books on librarianship .
28 The committee was to consist of 35 members and its composition would be heavily weighted in favour of the VP , with 24 of its members from the ruling group , four from the opposition Union of Moderate Parties ( UMP ) and the other seven from various social and religious organizations in the community .
29 They predicted that the amount of variety in work , the level of employee autonomy in performing the work , the amount of interaction required in carrying out task activities , the level of knowledge and skill required , and the amount of responsibility entrusted to the job-holder would be positively associated with satisfaction and a low level of absenteeism .
30 Often clients of licensed dealers who were genuinely interested in options would be easily led into warrants .
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