Example sentences of "would like [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ideally I 'd like to return as the main ingredient used to make the suntan lotion Kim Basinger favours … work that one out for yourselves !
2 I told him I 'd like to talk to the head man .
3 What I 'd like to do for the next twenty minutes of the er of the seminar is talk about client server today .
4 Well okay this morning what I 'd like to do in the half hour or so that we 've got before lunch is to talk about the skills we need when we actually come up here to deliver then this afternoon we 'll look at that feedback from the video and what you did and then we 'll move on to the skills of design , the preparation skills .
5 Although that was extremely pleasant , and something I 'd like to repeat at the earliest possible opportunity , ’ he added , his eyes glinting brightly .
6 Well could I have comments on the principle or principles of er by using criteria and then I 'd like to go through the individual criteria or individual criterion one by one .
7 If you 'd like to go into the next room , please .
8 Well I 'd like to look at the national implications of this .
9 My sights were wide-ranging " I 'd like to work for the Daily Mirror or the Telegraph , " I informed my friends , as I sank a pint in the way I 'd seen the big-boys do at the time of the by-election .
10 you 'd like to work in the three ? one more just simply because it 's , it gives you more sound impulse
11 He closed his eyes and went through in detail what he would like to do to the curly-haired tart .
12 I have be very interested to hear about the recent developments and most impressed at what 's taken place , but er , I would like to ask about the international work , which I understand has been reduced .
13 For readers who would like to fix until the next millennium , Birmingham Midshires has is offering a fixed rate of 8.49 per cent until 31 January , 2000 .
14 Another name can be crossed firmly off the IBM Corp list : John Sculley , chairman of Apple Computer Inc has now gone on the record saying ‘ I would like to respond to the persistent rumours that I might leave Apple and go to IBM — I have told Apple 's board of directors and our executive management team that I am not available or interested in being chief executive of IBM ; I believe Apple has a tremendous opportunity to be extremely successful in the years ahead , and Apple will be the most important innovator and leader in the industry ; 10 years ago this April I signed up to do a job , and there is still a lot that I would like to accomplish with all of us ; ‘ I hope this statement will put to rest the speculation that I might go to IBM , and also serve as a clear message of the confidence that I have in Apple , ’ he declared .
15 Another name can be crossed firmly off the IBM Corp list : John Sculley , chairman of Apple Computer Inc has now gone on the record saying ‘ I would like to respond to the persistent rumours that I might leave Apple and go to IBM — I have told Apple 's board of directors and our executive management team that I am not available or interested in being chief executive of IBM ; I believe Apple has a tremendous opportunity to be extremely successful in the years ahead , and Apple will be the most important innovator and leader in the industry ; 10 years ago this April I signed up to do a job , and there is still a lot that I would like to accomplish with all of us ; I hope this statement will put to rest the speculation that I might go to IBM , and also serve as a clear message of the confidence that I have in Apple , ’ he declared .
16 I understand that you are holding the PAL masters for both parts , which we would like to use for the first run of this title , to get a better quality duplication .
17 In the meantime , tell me , has … has he ever said anything to you except askin' you if you would like to go to the fair ? ’
18 She hesitated for a moment , then said , ‘ I met Sid Watkins in Berkeley today and he asked me if I would like to go to the Licensed Victuallers Dinner at the Princes Hotel with him tonight .
19 In other words you essentially had the choice on the spot of saying , ‘ Yes , I certainly did it , and here 's my fiver or whatever it is , ’ or ‘ No I do n't agree with you and I would like to go through the proper judicial procedures . ’
20 I am standing on platform eleven at London 's Liverpool Street station , listening to a British Rail Tannoy announcement , delivered as dispassionately and routinely as an abattoir attendant 's delivering a bolt through the skull of yet another helpless , terrified , steer : ‘ British Rail would like to apologize for the late running of the six-thirty to Lowestoft .
21 He 's a Yorkshireman through and through — and he 's already told us he would like to play for the Northern Division .
22 If you would like to look at the second sheet on your erm of the two that you 've got , erm this really brings to mind , one day in St Aldate 's , in the summer of 1643 , when a very hard working , methodical loyal official , Edward Heath , was ordered by the King and his Council to walk around St Aldate 's , and make a list of all the defaulters , all those who had failed to work on the fortifications .
23 I would like to expand on the same topic by expressing my thoughts on the structures that exist , or fail to exist , in this country to help promising junior players become accomplished professionals .
24 Over 50 per cent , and in some cases over 60 per cent said they would like to learn about the human heart , germs and illnesses , how our muscles work , what food is good for you , life in the sea , what makes a rainbow appear and how a record is made .
25 While Brian Cunningham , from Birmingham , made no bones about it : ‘ I would like to learn from the best , not the rest . ’
26 A woman who has recovered from a stroke or head injury may decide she would like to work for the first time , as part of the challenge of overcoming her illness .
27 Support Alan on Saturday and contact him with details those items you would like auctioned at the next opportunity in December .
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