Example sentences of "would not be [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He knew that escape would not be made by force but , even so , his mind returned again and again to the grains and snippets of stories that had somehow ( how ? ) permeated into the world of Men .
2 Investment income is exempted from the 9 per cent national insurance tax , so they would not be touched by Labour 's abolition of the £21,060 ceiling .
3 People would not be alerted by questions from you .
4 I would not be threatened by McIllvanney .
5 The strong points in their argument have been that they exhibit voluntaryism in its purest form , that they are free of any obligation to find a programme for the tutor-organiser to teach and that , in managing on voluntary effort alone , they are saving the District that portion of a full-time salary which would not be covered by government or local authority grant-aid .
6 But the intransigent majority of Cabinet members would not be moved by threats .
7 This view could not easily be maintained as the evidence mounted that , despite their negotiations with Sir Herbert Samuel and the TUC 's meeting with the Prime Minister on 12 May , the strike had been called off without any guarantees that those who had been involved would not be victimized by employers and that there would be no immediate resumption of negotiations between the coal miners and the coal owners .
8 The agenda would not be dictated by Britain , Mr Brooke said .
9 On Oct. 2 the Taiwanese Premier , Gen. Hau Pei-tsun , told members of the Legislative Yuan that Taiwan 's " substantive relations " with Singapore would not be affected by Singapore 's establishment of diplomatic ties with China .
10 It is simply a mid-point on the range and would not be affected by changes in the minimum wage .
11 After all , I do n't remember seeing anything posted to the list that would not be accepted by TSB .
12 As a Rastafarian , he has an insider 's knowledge of the language , though many of his claims would not be accepted by linguists : for example , " as a language Afro-Lingua [ Rastafarian Creole ] does not need grammar and rules because it relies on improvisation , quickwittedness and skill at manipulating words " ( 1986a : 49 ) .
13 He said then that general practitioners would remain free to prescribe whatever drugs their patients needed and would not be constrained by cash limits either at FPC or RHA level .
14 That would not be welcomed by NASDAQ , the quote-driven over-the-counter market that has usurped much of the two older exchanges ' business .
15 He said that John was the conscience of the nation and reassured me that John would not be forgotten by people in Britain .
16 The Commission claimed that only the top 4 per cent of EC cereal producers would lose income ( although this minority produced around 50 per cent of EC output ) , that consumers would benefit from lower prices , the environment would be better protected and global markets would not be distorted by EC surpluses .
17 Yet ironically , very often the hospitals provide a density of building on a particular site that would not be permitted by planners nowadays .
18 At conferences that year and in 1989 , we told hauliers that , without a quality accreditation , they would not be enployed by ICI Chemicals & Polymers Ltd .
19 The rules of Equity as to stipulations about time and other provisions which would not be held by Equity to be of the essence of the contract , are to prevail in all cases .
20 The Scottish midfield of Gary McAllister , Paul McStay and John Collins was also thrusting forward in an unfettered way and the overall impression given was that Andy Goram , who had begun the game with an unblemished record at international level inside Ibrox , would not be bettered by Malta where Italy and Portugal had failed .
21 While the challenge could not be ignored , Robson felt that it would not be resolved by recourse to conceptualistic argument .
22 In opinion polls , Americans generally insist that they would not be persuaded by legalisation to try drugs they are not taking now .
23 On June 14 Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson said that he hoped Sweden would be able to join by January 1995 and maintained that Sweden 's policy of neutrality would not be changed by membership of the EC .
24 It was a prosperous community : going to America was a big step to take , and one that would not be taken by people with prospects at the top of English society unless they were going out to fill a government post , but for anyone else it was likely to lead to a higher standard of living than could reasonably be expected in Britain .
25 But you know I still think that I 'm drawn towards that sort of teaching , performing that kind of role erm and that would n't be fulfilled by librarianship at all .
26 He would n't be drawn by Yanto 's urgent appeal .
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