Example sentences of "would not have [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd not have a child at my age .
2 Even if at the next general election Labour does better than ever before in attracting working-class support , say 80 per cent of the working class , it still would not have a majority of the vote .
3 At one stage , Fields had threatened to pull out of the arrangement altogether and find a new partner , until the CAA made it clear that Fields would not have a licence without Virgin 's involvement .
4 If we did not have certain terms , for instance if we did not have a word ‘ orange ’ as well as a word ‘ yellow ’ , it is easy to imagine that we would not have a concept of the corresponding colours ; indeed the fact that there is nothing natural or necessary about colour terms is proved , as one of Saussure 's successors argued ( Hjelmslev 1961 : 52ff. ) by the fact that different languages divide up the colour spectrum differently .
5 She would not have a claim for the loss of her child .
6 The position is now somewhat alleviated by the case of Rowlands ( Mark ) Ltd v Berni Inns Ltd [ 1985 ] QB 211 where it was held that the intention of the parties to the lease was that the landlord 's claim would be against the insurers under the insurance policy and that the landlord would not have a claim against the tenant for breach of covenant , to the effect that there was no claim to which the insurers could be subrogated .
7 As president of the company , Branson would not have a seat on the board .
8 If the Auxetophone had not existed , we would not have a record of Lord Northcliffe 's voice today .
9 At a general meeting of Darlington Rugby Club some members voiced concern to the committee that the club would not have a ground on which to play home matches next season .
10 So annotations in Central and Southern Hambleton would not have an effect on Cleveland .
11 These were that the House would be inundated with appeals relating to the interpretation of statutes and that the House would not have the benefit of the careful consideration of the case before it went up to the House ( Drewry , 1973 ) .
12 However , because of the limited scope of the Act , the east front of the India Office would only be seen at an oblique angle from the narrow King Street , and it would not have the space in front of it , as originally proposed .
13 The right hon. Gentleman made a statement in the House about a fast track procedure under which some applicants would be sifted out immediately and would not have the right of appeal — at least not the right of audience in an appeal or representation in an appeal .
14 He needs to think of how we are to find the right ministers , men and women — to let people know that there is a vocation called holy orders , of ‘ unique difficulty and unique happiness ’ ; the variety of ministers , deaconesses , teachers in schools , lay preachers , monks and nuns and friars who belong to ‘ the praying heart of the Church ’ , without which its mission would not have the power of God within it .
15 It would not have the confidence of the people , so it would never work .
16 There 's an ambiguity I suspect it it 's a in my mind rather than yours about the nuclear role , did I understand you to say that Eurofighter two thousand would not have the capability of carrying for instance the W E one seven seven , we know that the is not going to be er taken any further according to recent announcement but will Eurofighter two thousand have the capacity to carry W E one seven seven ?
17 Labour leaders were delighted with Major 's accession , because they suspected he would not have the nerve to ‘ cut and run ’ early .
18 The two great strengths , he thought , were that the mystery plays were the beginning of drama in this country and that , although a modern audience would not have the universality of faith of a medieval one , the plays held the power of universal mythology , everyone knowing the stories being retold .
19 This problem is only because you 're doing them retrospectively , if you were up to date you would n't have a problem at all would you ?
20 I mean , if there was a free supply of smack , I would n't have a problem in the world .
21 Mister , I suppose you would n't have a bite of food to spare , would you ? ’
22 There is a , an occasion when you would n't have a comma in front of that relative pronoun .
23 Surely a storekeeper in this barbarous place would n't have a vocabulary like that ?
24 ‘ Apparently so and if that 's proved then Len would n't have a hope in hell of bringing a case . ’
25 Would n't have a chance to would we ? .
26 She would n't have a dog about the place . ’
27 Ours , this one , she left her kids and they have n't got a television , she would n't have a television in her house
28 The man he would n't have a use for is now lending a hand . ’
29 ‘ But I thought you said you would n't have a thing like that in your house . ’
30 Without the use of chemicals we would n't have the range of disease and pest-free foods that we have today .
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