Example sentences of "would have [verb] on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Erm but er unless I I may repeat one or two of the things I 'd have said on the phone I 'm bound to do that , er the three things that are gon na be decided here today really is you if you and I erm you 've got inside information of course , er if you and I agree that er is the is the platform for you to earn some good money .
2 It was almost impossible to think that a couple of hours ago she 'd have climbed on the rostrum in the Forum and denounced Prince Nicolo Sabatini to all of Rome .
3 I 'd like to move near him , but I 'd have to get on the Council list and I do n't know if I 'd qualify . ’
4 Two MIGs sighted in centre six F , closing on the place which I 'd have to get on the border of five A.
5 Er I will have explained er er I certainly would 've explained on the phone that er part of the contract requires them to give us a list of prospective advertisers .
6 All knew that they would have to pass through what has been described as a maelstrom , and that they would have to rely on the seamanship of their coxswain to reach the relative safety of open water ; there would be no second chance in conditions which were described as the worst in living memory . ’
7 The criticism came from the former senior chief inspector , Mr. Eric Bolton , who pointed out that , under Labour 's proposals , the inspectorate , instead of advising the Secretary of State directly , would have to rely on the secondment of some senior inspectors .
8 Instead , they would have to rely on the insurance cover held by the nuclear industry , backed by a special government fund .
9 Thus , whereas in a face-to-face meeting I can say I 'm Joe Bloggs , on the telephone I must say This is Joe Bloggs or Joe Bloggs is speaking with third person verb agreement ( but see Schegloff , 1979a ) ; in contrast in Tamil we would have to say on the telephone the equivalent of Joe Bloggs am speaking , with first person verb agreement .
10 Well I I would have said on the phone that under normal circumstances if you 're salaried or have been salaried I do n't talk people into this unless they 're a certain age .
11 In other words , the EP would have to take on the role of approving Community legislation similarly to the way in which national parliaments currently make national laws .
12 Then we would have to go on the run , move from place to place , rely on the people to feed and shelter us .
13 The major one is that the wing , had it been left there , would have snagged on the underside of the Kilcharran as it surfaced and tilted the fuselage , maybe to so acute an angle as to make access to this damned bomb difficult or impossible . ’
14 She watched the keys fall , noting that they fell more slowly than they would have done on the Earth .
15 I was uneasy in the dark and would have turned on the torch except that after only one fifth of the journey I had used half my batteries .
16 He was also a man of short stature ; he would have to climb on the beam at the front of the door to push the bolt home .
17 If prostitution were to be stopped they would have to work on the rice fields on a starvation salary . ’
18 The market price for these purposes is the price which in normal business dealings those goods would have fetched on the date when the buyer should have accepted the goods .
19 If Pound had attended to Thomas Hardy 's marriage to Florence Emily Dugdale within two years of the death of his first wife , Emma , there can be little doubt that this is the verdict he would have passed on the transaction .
20 The optimists feel that in the absence of war Russia would have continued on the road to progressive modernisation .
21 And it would have shown on the certificate , the time of birth — it 's only done for multiple births .
22 Oh yes all of those people would have committed on the phone to taking that advertising space .
23 There are too many unknown quantities in the complex equation regarding number of bodies , quantity of fuel , rate of woodland regeneration and time , to be able to calculate what impact the presence of a large cremation cemetery would have had on the landscape .
24 It was n't the sort of thing he would have put on the wall next to his bed but it was a lot more acceptable than Mr Pilkington in a black cowl .
25 Marlborough , if brought back to life , would have found on the field of Waterloo comparatively little with which he was not already familiar .
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