Example sentences of "would be [to-vb] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The first move of a Government committed to re-establishing full employment comprehensively would be to initiate a rolling programme of moving Civil Service jobs from areas of high employment , mainly in the South , to those of high unemployment , predominantly in the North .
2 One way would be to form a holding company to which both banks would issue shares in proportion to their shareholders ' funds .
3 To call this a ‘ life ’ cycle would be to beg an important question , but it is a cycle of a sort , and it shares with true life cycles the ability to initiate cumulative selection .
4 Conversely , we could decide the question of whether a motorway should be built solely by considering whether landowners , whose property is to be acquired , will be properly compensated ; but to do so would be to ignore a large number of other important interests .
5 One possible remedy would be to employ a time-varying parameter technique in estimation as in Browne and McNellis ( 1990 ) .
6 This would be to substitute a judicial view as to , for example , the most appropriate way in which to allocate aid , or to disburse licences , for that of the public body .
7 On Sunday afternoons the Vicar of Askrigg used to pass Semerwater on his way to take evensong in his other parish of Stalling Busk , and he often thought how pleasant it would be to hold an open air service on the shores of the lake .
8 One possibility would be to evolve a qualified defence of killing under extreme emotional disturbance , following the lead of the Model Penal Code .
9 For example a useful practical derived test of the properties of leather in shoes would be to flex a real shoe in a test machine to determine the relation between loads and displacements relevant to the wearer .
10 ‘ the thing to do would be to take an optical theodolite up there and measure it . ’
11 However , despite an apparent dictum to the contrary , the Torquay Hotel principle does not , it is submitted , extend to imposing liability in a case where A has , without any unlawful act , done no more than persuade B to exercise an option open to him under his contract with C , for example , to terminate it by proper notice , for so to hold would be to draw an indefensible distinction between existing , but terminable , relationships and those which are merely prospective , and render it necessary to fall back on the defence of justification in order , for example , lawfully to persuade an employee to change his employment for higher pay .
12 According to the statement the sole task of the new People 's Assembly would be to draft a new constitution to be placed before the people for approval .
13 It did not worry me unduly because all that was needed would be to choose a good Chancellor of the Exchequer ; but Harold Wilson was not likely to miss a trick like that .
14 It is not , of course , possible to apply full text retrieval to such a database and an effective option would be to use a relational database management system with keyword-based searching .
15 Once established , the Committee 's major task would be to devise a unified pattern of awards at the craft level , in accordance with the spirit of the Hudson proposals .
16 We knew that the one way to get the world 's two greatest detectives to come here would be to stage a mysterious disappearance .
17 We have not yet reached the point at which mere characterisation of a claim as a claim in public law is sufficient to exclude it from consideration by the ordinary courts : to permit this would be to create a dual system of law with the rigidity and procedural hardship for plaintiffs which it was the purpose of the recent reforms to remove : ’ Davy v. Spelthorne Borough Council [ 1984 ] A.C. 262 , 276 , per Lord Wilberforce .
18 The first would be to create an appointed senate , which would allow Khmer Rouge leaders to be given an official role .
19 To think that the Archives are standing idle by , however , would be to give a false impression .
20 A more realistic objective for many organisations would be to strike an appropriate balance at the conceptual stage between the benefits from reduced risk , the expense of that reduction and the gains from the enterprise .
21 The effect of the 25 per cent reduction in fares would be to place an inordinate burden on the ratepayers , particularly because this would be accompanied by a known loss of rate support grant .
22 Their only chance of such would be to marry a wealthy man , because as source A also describes , before 1919 no woman was allowed a complete education , and therefore they never achieved positions in highly paid jobs , such as lawyers .
23 There has long been an unspoken consensus across the party spectrum that challenging the system would be to enter a political minefield .
24 Conversely , to enter the chemical laboratory envisaged in 1606 by Andreas Libavius — a respectable Lutheran humanist , critic of the Paracelsians , and author of what has been described as the first chemical textbook — would be to enter an open house in which the products of the furnace were investigated with a sense of responsibility for the welfare of one 's fellow men .
25 From the point of view of the ‘ host ’ or ‘ hostess ’ the most immediate benefit of showing art would be to enhance a pleasant ambience , but the more ambitious would also be seeking to attract a certain clientele by offering more than the comfort of food .
26 To mention him would be to revive an old humiliation .
27 The best it could do would be to permit a small degree of enclave development , which only reproduced First World-Third World exploitation within the Third World .
28 The usual advice would be to suggest a private meeting between the chairman , the head teacher and the parent who raised the issue .
29 The way I would start forming a band would be to get a bass player and drummer first ; get a core of people who are on my wavelength , especially on the bass , and a drummer who 's got a really good right hand , almost like a jazz player , who can play light and not just hard .
30 The quickest way to improve rural wages would be to locate a small engineering factory in every village — a utopian thought , no doubt .
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