Example sentences of "would [be] make by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No financial commitments would be made by the Institute and common standards of embalming would be insisted on which were acceptable to the Institute .
2 Samuel Pipkin was tensing himself for the coming life and death struggle this evening , when the vital decision would be made by the Prince of Wales , and Mr Thackeray would be avenged .
3 In this respect the operation was a failure ; Schwarzkopf made it clear that the air phase of the war would be continued until it had achieved its objectives , and that the timing and location of any land-based offensive would be in accordance with allied war plans and would be made by the US President .
4 The application would be made by the Head of the Security Services to either the Minister of the Interior or the Minister of Defence .
5 The UK government reaffirmed that all appointments in Hong Kong up to 1997 would be made by the Governor after consultation with the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary .
6 He believed some movement in the case would be made by the end of this month .
7 Separate accounts would be opened for the members of the party ( rooms 507–510 ) for any extra charges they would incur and settlement of these accounts would be made by the individuals .
8 Decisions on the use of nuclear weapons would be made by the President of the Russian Federation in consultation with the leaders of the other republics in which nuclear weapons were stationed — Ukraine , Byelarus and Kazakhstan — and with the leaders of other members of the CIS .
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