Example sentences of "would [be] [verb] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I thought if I told him that he 'd be bound to make a proper search — not in the house , I do n't mean , I 've looked in the house — but among other solicitors she might have gone to .
2 After a few days the household would be creeping around ‘ not to disturb Dad ’ who was sulking in his room bored to death with his family , and the children would be trying to comfort a depressed and weeping Mum who had so looked forward to her handsome popular brilliant husband 's return and did n't know what she had done wrong .
3 It was thought that the fastest look-up would be achieved using a 26-way tree , so that was implemented , and found to be extremely efficient , but the memory overhead was too large for practical purposes .
4 In the event that no single party enjoys an overall majority in the Commons then the issue of sending for the Prime Minister and refusing a dissolution become matters so charged with political manoeuvring that the Crown would be drawn into politics in a public way that would be bound to invite a keener scrutiny as to what should be her proper role within the British constitution .
5 While railway workers in England and Wales would suffer the brunt of redundancies , any severe job losses would be bound to have a knock-on effect in Scotland .
6 Britain wants to encourage movement , not to stifle it , and any talk of sanctions would be bound to have a bad effect .
7 ‘ We knew the health authority would be asked to provide a certain proportion .
8 Much more common could be the situation in which the regional Solicitor would be asked to send a formal letter to a client or other individual warning that if certain behaviour continued , proceedings would be initiated .
9 A second referendum would then be held to coincide with the next general election , due by November 1993 , when voters would be asked to make a straight choice between the MMP proposal and the existing system .
10 When they arrived they would briefly and passionately mate , for the first and only time , and from that fiery union new turtles would be born to carry a new pattern of worlds .
11 The PSP , as the only party in Cuba with an organisational apparatus throughout the island , potentially offered the discipline and political expertise which would be needed to form a revolutionary government and which seemed to be lacking in Castro 's own movement .
12 Maths work arising naturally from the unit might involve simple computation using Roman numbers , and calculations related to the topic — e.g. how much labour and materials would be needed to complete a Roman road or fort , how long the work would take , and so on .
13 There is , for instance , the problem of what kind of heart would be needed to propel a large body , and the question would arise as to whether , in the case of very tall animals , a higher blood pressure would be required , with commensurately tougher blood vessels , in order to pump blood from the heart to the brain .
14 This information would be needed to provide a comprehensive response .
15 When he was told that transfer between schools would be possible , and that schools would be encouraged to have a common but diverse curriculum for all eleven-to-thirteen-year-olds , Butler said that he felt ‘ much comforted ’ .
16 In terms of that aspect of the Fleet Street Casuals case which relates sufficient interest to the facts and merits of the applicant 's case , it is probably correct to say that ratepayers challenging decisions of local authorities , competitors challenging decisions affecting their business activities , and neighbours challenging planning decisions would be held to have a sufficient interest unless other facts of the case provided very strong grounds for denying the existence of such an interest .
17 Mediterranean style would be designed to give a cool , smooth working atmosphere , with long slate or marble worktops , terracotta-style tiled floors , and large , walk-in cupboards with thick walls-lined with marble shelves for food storage or racks for pans and crockery .
18 Since you had owned the farm , you would be allowed to keep a small plot , perhaps a quarter of an acre , to grow whatever you wished .
19 Israel , he said , would be allowed to complete a pre-agreed number of houses which were in the process of construction in the occupied territories at the start of 1992 , in exchange for US$300 million in guarantees immediately and the remaining US$9,700 million staggered over six years .
20 In 1991 the partners had agreed on a trading plan that stated ICL would be paid using a raw materials barter arrangement for its components .
21 ( An air-breathing animal , if such the monster is , would have large lungs and would be expected to give a strong signal . )
22 ( iv ) If the applicant is unable to comply in full with ( ii ) or ( iii ) above then they would be expected to demonstrate a suitable level of competence and experience .
23 Response to music is believed to be dominant in the right hemisphere and as a result would be expected to exact a similar reduction in left field advantage to that found for right field advantage in the trigram tasks discussed here .
24 Customers of companies joining the scheme would be expected to pay a fixed sum until the fund reaches an appropriate level , and if extra calls were made , further levies might be added .
25 America 's allies would be expected to make a greater contribution to their own defence .
26 Buckinghamshire would be expected to contribute a similar proportion to the relevant costs of the scheme .
27 The ratio measuring this ability , often called the ‘ acid test ’ is A manufacturing company would be expected to maintain a 1 : 1 ratio to be credit worthy .
28 A manufacturing company would be expected to maintain a 1:1 ratio to be credit worthy .
29 Project sponsors are instructed to indicate what information would be required to conduct a thorough post-audit , whether the existing information systems provide this data , and if not , what steps should be taken to ensure that the required information is collected and available when required .
30 A decision today to send the case to the Human Rights Court would be an embarrassment to the Government which would be forced to mount a vigorous defence of its policy against the IRA to justify the shootings under the human rights code .
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