Example sentences of "would [vb infin] taken [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Carla would have taken him to the cleaners for that .
2 From there , two or three strides would have taken him over the edge and into oblivion .
3 Instead of turning left over the canal bridge which would have taken him into the village , he turned right and began walking out of the village on the Brookend road .
4 That would have taken them past the vital February sailing time along what Whitehall claims is an organised escape route .
5 Having a baby would have taken us off the front pages , making us safe and dull again .
6 The path forked when it reached an old log cabin ; left would have taken us to the top of Mount Eddy , right took us on the Pacific Crest Trail stretching from Canada down to Mexico .
7 The playing of the BBC Symphony Orchestra under Peter Eötrös , who had given the work several times before this 1991 Prom performance , seems immensely confident and assured , all the complexities mastered ; and the recording quality is so good ( and the audience so quiet ) I would have taken it for a ‘ state-of-theart ’ studio job .
8 I would have taken it like a boy .
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