Example sentences of "would [vb infin] into a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes , if he thought one of the girls did n't know what he was doing , he 'd go into a long explanation of why he had n't actually tasted the stuff .
2 But he anticipated , correctly in many cases , that these too would evolve into a satisfying environment .
3 These opposites would merge into a terrific show .
4 Helen believed that their acquaintance would ripen into a warm friendship , equalling her affection for Jane Aldis , but did not believe that she and Edward could ever fall in love , so convinced was she of her own ‘ ordinariness ’ .
5 People would emerge into a sunken greenhouse where organifarming methods would be displayed , and information given on its local practicalities and its world-wide implications .
6 Alone , the two girls were playful as they went about their tasks , mischievous at times , even carefully boisterous ; but as soon as their father came in they would sink into a beseeching drabness , cower as close to being invisible as they could .
7 This shape would work in either a rectangular frame , as in this case , or a square diamond would fit into a square mount , although it would have to be shorter rather than the elongated shape I have used here .
8 Most fundamentally , it was not then a concern for standard-setters about how the resulting accounts would fit into a cash-based appropriation accounting system .
9 An example of a custom built chip might be one designed to monitor the pressure in some continuous process operation such as steelmaking or papermaking , where the processor would fit into a particular part of the host plant .
10 The idea was that a group of us would move into a big house and have young people as ‘ staff ’ helping us .
11 The USA would enter into a direct dialogue with Vietnam over the issue of Cambodia .
12 Baker also announced that the USA would enter into a direct dialogue with Vietnam over the issue of Cambodia and that it might be prepared to provide humanitarian aid to the SOC government .
13 No rational person , he says , would enter into a social contract that would ‘ leave to other men the choice of killing him ’ .
14 The material conditions for revolution would evolve and the working class would develop into a revolutionary class ready to seize their opportunity .
15 In the mid-1950s there was a short-lived chance that Jordan would develop into a parliamentary democracy .
16 When the front wheels were no longer capable of pointing in the desired direction of travel , it would launch into a gentle semi-spin if you did not act to salvage the situation .
17 However , quite a few teachers took an interest in what I was trying to do , especially the biology teachers , who were impressed with my knowledge of birds and conservation , and my English teachers , who soon heard all about my interest because whenever we had to give a talk in class , I would launch into a full lecture on rearing and handling owls and other birds of prey .
18 Money from the CTC programme , estimated at £50m , would go into a new scheme aimed at providing 23,000 extra nursery places in the first year of a Labour Government .
19 There was no tea break but Mr John and a woman , who she thought might have been a chaperone , would go into a little room at the end , where she fancied they had a nip or two .
20 Others , such as the Prime Minister , Juan Negrín , advocated struggling on , in the hope that the situation in Europe would degenerate into an open conflict with Hitler and Mussolini , and that this , in turn , would oblige the western democracies to come to the defence of the Spanish Republic .
21 In order to keep the boys separate from the girls he used to draw a chalk line down the middle of our meeting room , and when we got carried away and crossed the line he would burst into a ferocious rage , pick up anything that was to hand — usually a book — and throw it at the offender , who had to duck fast in order not to be hit .
22 Human thinking and language would dissolve into a topsy-turvy jumble of uncertainty if we were to use the word know as if it were interchangeable with words like guess or dream , or if we were to say right when we really meant wrong .
23 Then she stepped away from him , fearful of her own weakness and afraid that if he kissed her she would dissolve into a quivering jelly that would melt from sheer ecstasy .
24 In 1995 the pot would turn into a new company ( ‘ NewCo ’ ) , bolstered by extra reserves paid by names .
25 When down himself ( very seldom ) , he could count on a pratfall from his hysterical shaman , Drew ‘ Bundini ’ Brown , on the latest bizarre news from his scheming court , maybe a straight line from some reporter that he would turn into a ricocheting soliloquy on , say , the disgusting aesthetics of dining on pig .
26 And then the hour would turn into a long space of empty time , then into a whole evening , once even into an entire night before Gloria came back .
27 She also knew that , if she refused , the crisis would turn into a five-act melodrama .
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