Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [vb pp] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But then , knowing you , you 'd have stuck to the proper dosage .
2 If not , the persons ‘ knowingly concerned ’ would have to pay and , on payment , would become subrogated to the primary claim against the contravener .
3 They divided local government services in such a way that most of the major services including education , major planning , personal social services and housing would have gone to the regional authorities while the districts would have been left with minor aspects of these services and certain amenity services .
4 His hero is a stick who would have contributed to The New Statesman .
5 Conventional economic analysis would have pointed to the opposite policy , but would have ignored the human factor in making a complete system work .
6 ‘ If only it had been me I would have flown to the highest tree where they could n't catch me and then , and then into the sky to find the wind . ’
7 If , before the innocent purchaser bought the goods , the original owner had avoided his contract with the rogue , ownership in the goods would have reverted to the original owner .
8 A Labour government would have clung to the current parity in the ERM while suffering continual assaults on its aims and methods by a business and financial establishment wholly converted to the values of Thatcherism .
9 The route to this intermediate target may be quite different from the route that would have led to the ultimate target .
10 GM would provide funds which would have led to the joint development of a new product range .
11 The utilitarian approach , if it had been applied to the political life of India , would have led to the forcible ejection of the British on the grounds that the greatest happiness or good of the greatest number in India , namely the Indians themselves , would have resulted from it .
12 They would have exploited to the full every real and imagined grievance .
13 ‘ My beloved husband died after a lingering illness on 29th April at 18 minutes past 4 o'clock in the morning … if he would have lived to the 25th August , he would have been 63 years old . ’
14 It is plain that if the judge had been appraised of all these matters now before the court , he would have come to the same conclusion as we have , namely that the necessary intention had not been proved on the part of the appellants .
15 I think I should add very shortly that having considered the many authorities cited , even if I had come to a different conclusion on the issue about consideration , I would have come to the same decision adverse to the owners on the question whether the payments were made voluntarily in the sense of being made to close the transaction .
16 It seems that he would have come to the same conclusion regarding the implication of such control .
17 Kepler even conjectured that , by a backward projection from current orbital positions , it might be possible to determine the age of the earth — on the supposition that the most harmonious sound would have corresponded to the original creation .
18 None of this showed on her face , but a certain rigidity of jaw would have betrayed to the careful watcher that perhaps she was n't quite as calm and in control as she wished to appear .
19 A year ago I would have stuck to the strict moral point .
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