Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [verb] [pers pn] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Of course I 'd like to see you with a few sheep , my lass , sheep being so close to my heart .
2 I 'd have done it with an aeroplane but
3 Not the young Francis either , in whom I stood a better hope of experiencing the odd happy memory , but Francis as I 'd last experienced him with the tang of his Lucky Strikes , last night 's whisky and dejection all togged up as joie de vivre .
4 But I suspect a lot of you would want to leave them with a matt finish , it 's entirely up to you Anyway when you paint , like I say , it 's just it 's because it 's porous it sucks the colour off the brush and er it immediately dries , so you can see , straight away , the colour it 's gon na be when you then put the varnish on you use a sort of matt varnish and so it brings the colour up but it wo n't be shiny or a shine , which you 're gon na choose like you might wan na matt varnish with this and shiny for the shell which ca it really brings the colour up , we wo n't get round to varnishing today erm and the other thing you can do , if you want erm a sort of a mottled effect you do pink in a base colour say Mikila wanted all greeny , bluey colours on that
5 As I am drawing to a close , as I can find no further connections or criticisms of these two books however obvious or unobvious they may be , I would like to leave you with an appropriate quote from one of my books .
6 The T&G would like to support her with a clear conscience and every left-of-centre statement from her helps .
7 When he thought about that voice he felt he would like to murder her with a knife himself .
8 He knows that many of those now present will be eager to go with him on this adventure , but first of all he would like to present them with a challenge .
9 ‘ If it was then Kevin would have killed them with the first bricks he threw and that would have been the end of the film . ’
10 But Steve would have hit her with the truth — not intentionally , he was n't cruel by nature , but simply with his down-to-earth approach to everything and everyone .
11 ‘ But I like to think that if I did n't do it , someone else would have done it with a lot less taste and love for the countryside . ’
12 If it had , she would have handled it with a decisiveness that left no room for misunderstandings .
13 Personal experience , if it happened , would have left them with a deeply embedded memory of an acutely unpleasant incident .
14 ‘ We have talking for a long time about how the company might change structurally , and many of Alan Gordon Walker 's proposals would have left me with a job that I did n't want to do , ’ she said .
15 My first thought was that had Richard Hannay materialised at that moment , I would have issued him with a help form .
16 At the start she would rehearse arranging them with the nun so that she would do it well when she got to the Hogans , but as the weeks went by she grew in confidence .
17 The use of mise en abyme and the presence of an element of word-play would seem to align them with the apparently more transgressive works initiated — if the literary history of the nouveau roman is correct — by Dans le labyrinthe .
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