Example sentences of "would [adv] be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And you would only you you Yes you 'd meet more of the affordable requirement no doubt , than you would at the lower figures , but in my view , you 'd still be left with some fairly substantial problems in particular areas .
2 But the proposed analogue HDMAC could only ever be an interim standard , as it has been generally accepted , for some time , that analogue HDTV would eventually be superseded by digital HDTV .
3 He predicted that the percentage of foreign nationals in Kuwait would eventually be reduced to less than half the population .
4 They could not believe that large numbers of mammals would eventually be found in some of the earliest rocks .
5 Children are encouraged to play freely and imaginatively , but at a later stage may be helped to give goods a price-marking of counters , e.g. a packet marked with would only be exchanged for four counters .
6 Seldom in history has a work of fiction had such influence in forming public attitudes and the full fruit of this influence would only be recognized in 1861 : it was Lincoln himself who would refer to the little lady who started the war .
7 Calling on North Korea to make a similar pledge , Roh said that nuclear energy would only be used for peaceful purposes .
8 These reforms were ultimately to cause the falling off in the composition of orchestrally accompanied church music as such accompaniments would only be required for special feast days and there would be no place for it in everyday circumstances .
9 Relating to investment that could locate elsewhere in the U K or in Europe but which would only be attracted to this site if it , to a site , if it is erm sorry , availabil if the availability of this site , if this site is made available on terms similar to those of competing locations .
10 The Department of Health told health authorities last autumn such mergers would only be allowed in exceptional circumstances .
11 The policy-making National Council of the PAICV announced after meeting on April 10-13 , 1990 , that the President would henceforth be elected by direct universal suffrage rather than as hitherto by deputies of the National People 's Assembly .
12 He said that guerrilla attacks would henceforth be directed at military targets , state companies and economic installations among others .
13 There is a major source for the history of the environment in Scotland which would perhaps be linked with other archives when the ‘ green ’ generation writes the history of the ‘ greenhouse ’ world .
14 Well the plain fact of the matter was Chairman there were there were none to quote to him and erm we see the the structure plan Policy E two er as fulfilling a bridging role between national policy and the more specific guidance which would necessarily be contained in local plans .
15 Yet opponents of the conservation movement claimed that the arid lands of the American west would attract a higher rainfall if they were ploughed and would thus be turned into valuable farmland .
16 Only Georgia among the former Soviet republics would thus be left without diplomatic relations with the USA .
17 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the interests of my coal mining constituents would best be served by long-term contracts with the generators , which the British coal industry is well placed to secure and which the generators should welcome , and not by market rigging by Labour politicians posing as experts ?
18 Therefore , if a firm engaged to write a computer program fails to measure up to the standards that would normally be expected from able computer programmers and the program turns out to be sub-standard then , prima facie , the firm will be liable in contract .
19 These would normally be submitted at four-weekly intervals , unless the injury or illness involved would clearly involve a lengthy absence .
20 The other , more plausible , avenue is to accept that the phenomena discussed would normally be established by linguistic means but that is in no way a necessary feature of them , and so no problem of principle need arise .
21 It was recognised by the defendants that when the employment of an agent came to an end it was likely that there would be in existence a number of policies which would have been effected during the period of the plaintiff 's employment in respect of which commission would normally be paid in future years if the employment had continued .
22 Moving averages would normally be used for short term forecasting , perhaps up to a maximum of a few ( say 3 to 6 ) months ahead .
23 Some have received large capital grants to improve their buildings , while others have been able to put to good use the money which would normally be spent on local authority overheads .
24 The batch screens retained all of the controls that would normally be associated with traditional batch entry , namely batch headers and batch control totals .
25 The Mexican petrochemical area would largely be opened to foreign investment and foreign gas companies would be allowed to sell gas , under PEMEX supervision , to Mexican industry .
26 A report on Lao National Radio on March 6 stated that Khamtay and Solomon had concluded that Lao-US relations had progressed to the point that ties would soon be elevated to ambassadorial level .
27 He accused Labour leaders of being totally out of touch with ordinary people , and predicted that the party leader , John Smith , the shadow Scottish Secretary , Tom Clarke , and Donald Dewar , Labour 's social security spokesman , would soon be deserted by some of the left wing of the party in Scotland .
28 When a disabled person applied for housing they would generally be referred for medical assessment .
29 Initially , the view in the United States was that the refusal had to be based on good grounds — for example , religious beliefs strongly held — but the position now is moving towards the idea that ‘ individual freedom here is guaranteed only if people are given the right to make choices which would generally be regarded as foolish ones ’ .
30 Report author Janine Avery said : ‘ Among EHOs hotels would generally be categorized as low-risk areas .
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