Example sentences of "say [interj] we do n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Cos you could turn round to me and say oh we did n't know we had to do it and you could use that as what ?
2 But er I did two or three hundred , four hundred , five hundred a day and I got fed up on it and I said to the gaffers one day , if you do n't change me from this job I 'm leaving , so they says oh we do n't want you to do that , best filer we 've had .
3 body of people to try and reduce the rent they were paying erm but it , it 's er , it 's initially a difficult situation that we have said yes we do n't mind you erm we do n't mind granting you that , but we want to know if you will accept an assignment of the lease from the previous company cos
4 If someone said oh we do n't want two pipes it 's a bit messy , take them out and replace them by one that had the same resistance , that lets the same amount of water through , what would you replace those by ?
5 She said oh we did n't expect to come to the evening do .
6 I said yeah we did n't know they were coming they just appeared .
7 So there will be a slight improvement on that position but erm I do feel that we have to continue to do them the costume plays we ca n't just say oh we do n't make a profit on it , we ca n't do it , I think that would be a very shortsighted erm philosophy .
8 Well what am I gon na say when they turn round on Friday and say oh we can come am I gon na turn round and say oh we do n't want you to come out with us .
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