Example sentences of "say [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The qualitative approach may be acceptable for small systems , but for more substantial enterprises it would be surprising if the development of more disciplined and rigorous approaches , say through the wider use of mathematics , would not be more successful and lead to new types of opportunity .
2 But if you just take those points er an and , and think them through in your own mind about how this system of government differs say from the British system of government and the position of local government in the British system , you can see that , well we do n't really have local government do we ?
3 They usually say to the old love about the new , ‘ I love you but am in love with her , ’ meaning that their nature is divided : their protective and uxorious souls reach out for the old love : their sexuality towards the new .
4 I say to the hon. Member for Dagenham what the hon. Member for Orkney and Shetland ( Mr. Wallace ) said about his speech , which is that he made very heavy weather .
5 I say to the hon. Member for Denton and Reddish and my hon. Friend the Minister that I do not see why British Rail , as ever , should be expected to bear the full cost .
6 I say to the hon. Member for Harrow , West that I think that the right hon. Gentleman 's words will have reached the chairman of the Audit Commission .
7 It is time now to consider more precisely what the attitudinist says about the actual meaning of typically ethical words , like ‘ good ’ ’ ought' ’ right' and ‘ wrong ’ .
8 I tried to apply what Wittgenstein says about the dual use of the word ‘ strain' to the dual use of the word ‘ hot ’ , and wrote up my conclusions in a paper entitled ‘ Berkeley and Sensations of Heat . ’
9 He says for the first time in his life , he 's known what life must have been like for the old masters .
10 This idea that the essentials for salvation are never ‘ above reason ’ sits uneasily with what Locke has already said about the practical difficulty of working them out for oneself .
11 I agree with everything that the hon. Gentleman has said about the unacceptable level of unemployment in Northern Ireland .
12 Whilst a number of writers have commented upon his contributions to debates upon current policy problems , little has been said about the theoretical basis of these contributions .
13 After all , if you had asked him , Boy would probably have said for the first time in his life , yes , thank you I am very happy .
14 There is perhaps something to be said for the continued use of the term student from the motives that led the Greeks to call the Furies the Eumenides , " the kindly ones ' , in the hope that the use of a flattering name might induce them to live up to it .
15 The hon. Gentleman spoke for himself , which can not be said for the hon. Member for Rugby and Kenilworth ( Mr. Pawsey ) , who is not in his place , the Back-Bench chairman of the Conservative party education committee .
16 The trouble is that charity work never ends and the same can be said for the constant need for money to pay for research work , buy new hospital machinery or vehicles for disabled youngsters .
17 Jane had said after the shameful confrontation at the ball .
18 Bede says of the episcopal authority of Bishop Wilfrid in the reign of Oswiu that it embraced Northumbrians and Picts as far as the power of Oswiu extended ( HE III , 3 ) , and the Life of Wilfrid that in the reign of Ecgfrith it widened still further so that Wilfrid was bishop of the Saxons ( that is , the Northumbrians ) in the south and the Britons , Scots and Picts in the north ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 21 ) .
19 ‘ There 's a lot of method here ; it 's not as arbitrary as it seems , ’ David says of the heady mixture of pattern and texture .
20 If what Tillich says of the Buddhist concept of compassion were taken to apply also to the Hindu concept of compassion , then his assessment is equally inaccurate in that context .
21 Much the same can be said of the widespread use of ‘ suggestion schemes ’ , which although not compulsory are so widespread that employees feel obliged to participate in them .
22 It is a pity that the same could not have been said of the United Company of Undertakers and the Worshipful Company of Upholders .
23 The same can be said of the next dog of great influence : Ch.
24 If the auguries for Branwell Bronte were , at best , uncertain , the same could not have been said of the last leave-taking of one of his father 's predecessors at Haworth , the Rev. William Grimshaw ( 1508–63 ) , of whom John Wesley wrote :
25 There is more to be said against the probabilistic analysis of our conception of causation that can or needs to be said here .
26 It appears to me that the arguments which I have heard involve the consideration of three separate questions , namely : ( 1 ) does the ex turpi causa maxim and its related rules ( which I will refer to as ‘ the ex turpi causa defence ’ ) afford a defence to a claim for contribution under the Act of 1978 ? ( 2 ) If the ex turpi causa defence is capable of so applying , can it be said , with the degree of certainty necessary for a striking out order to be made , that the defence will exclude any contribution from the third party in the circumstances of this case ? ( 3 ) Leaving aside the ex turpi causa defence , can it be said with the necessary degree of certainty that the court will , under section 2(1) and ( 2 ) of the Act of 1978 , exempt the third party from liability to make contribution even if he has been negligent in the performance of some duty of care owed to the plaintiffs ?
27 Every single component , Dr Barnard had said with the full concurrence of his military colleagues at Fort Halstead — the copper wires , their plastic covering , the Semtex , the pulse-receiver , the battery , the brass and the leather stitching — was of Soviet manufacture .
28 While stressing it is too early to predict the final outcome , the survey organiser , Jeremy Wilson , says in the latest issue of BTO News that ‘ significant results ’ have emerged from analysis of early findings .
29 ‘ Hullo , mate , ’ he says in the English accent of his late father .
30 Well , I ca n't let you listen to what 's being said in the entire house without having access to the entire house .
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