Example sentences of "say [pron] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A visit to the Moon and a space walk-to say nothing of the Big Dipper and the Whiplash — all in one day ?
2 Detectives say someone on the main road most have seen the rope being tied in place at about 8.30 p.m. last night .
3 And then , when you find they say it in the fourth year , they mean it and you begin to look at yourself and realize what colour you are .
4 And then you find that when they say it in the fourth year , they mean it and you begin to realize .
5 Finally , one major gap in Oakeshott 's theory is that it says nothing about the fundamental issue of how societas may be reconstituted in the modern age .
6 Then he says something about the formal appeal of this sculpture to twentieth-century Western taste , because of its freedom from the canon of realism :
7 If a male customer my age is addressed as sir while I am love , that surely says something about the relative respect in which we are held .
8 ‘ It says something for the civilising effect of our upbringing that we can both sit here calmly sharing a meal together when we freely admit to the same deep-seated and violent antipathy . ’
9 It was years since he had read it but he thought Jung had said something about the universal need for secret societies .
10 At a World Cup : ‘ The manager must have said something in the Dutch dressing gown at half-time . ’
11 Patrick has plenty to say on such subjects , and he says it in the lordly way which does much to furnish the book with its presiding idiom .
12 ‘ Oh , that 's the Eiffel Tower , ’ and he says it in the same tone of voice as if you had shown him a portrait of Grandpa , and he had said : ‘ So that 's your grandfather I 've heard so much about .
13 Practise saying them in the same time span , as far as possible , e.g. : 5.3.2 .
14 Frege argued that in asserting an existential proposition one is in effect saying something about the relevant concept , namely that certain things fall under it , or , conversely , that nothing falls under it , i.e. that the concept is empty , as the case may be .
15 Barbara Coleman was saying something about the former beauty of the garden and its decline , but wondering aloud whether it was fair to say decline because what was happening was that the garden was returning to nature , and further wondering whether it was really and truly nature because some of the plants were not native to the region and did not entirely belong there , and then wondering whether that was not a strange remark to come from one who had made Provence her home for so long that she felt quite a part of the landscape .
16 This necessitates them saying something about the rival philosophy of the includers in addition to conveying the appearance of expertise .
17 But someone was saying something at the same time as Lord Boddy , making him falter and finally stop in midstride .
18 The first type was silently saying something to the second type .
19 She made it sound as if she were saying it for the first time .
20 Analysts were mildly bullish following Storage Technology Corp 's first quarter report — figures , page five — and after an order imbalance on the New York Stock Exchange , the shares were up $1.125 or 4.7% at $25.125 in early trading on Friday : the numbers beat Wall Street expectations , and the company said that operating performance exceeded its expectations , largely as a result of the strengthening in the US enterprise-related business ; Europe remained slow as a result of weak economies , but the mid-range business has begun to benefit from new products ; cash grew to $325m from $118m at the end of 1992 ; it studiously avoided saying anything about the late Iceberg disk array .
21 Mr Noyes will claim the MoD said nothing about the alleged landing because it wanted to save any embarrassment .
22 Carr drove home fundamental points , but said nothing about the actual working practices of historians , and , in his inspirational advocacy of a new kind of socialist history , left students with the impression that the solid , source-based stuff which formed their staple diet might as well be cast into the dustbin .
23 Police were searching for the missing bicycle , but the announcer said nothing about the missing hair .
24 Stephen Leach , 35 , of no fixed abode , said nothing during the brief hearing before Liverpool magistrates .
25 He said nothing of the Soviet plan .
26 Like some of your more illustrious colleagues ( Ron Atkinson , Graham Taylor , etc. ) , you have a tendency to say a lot but to say nothing at the same time .
27 That has brought the Gwili Railway alone six members to date , to say nothing of the other railway societies I have joined .
28 Morley , Weelkes , and Wilbye were the outstanding figures of the English madrigal school , but some fine things were also written by Bateson , Benet , Michael East , Kirbye , Francis Pilkington , Ward , and others — to say nothing of the Catholic exile , Peter Philips , who set Italian verse .
29 Much civility , much comfort ( comfort in France ! ) made every arrangement pleasurable ; and all this without more vociferation or commotion than prevails at Paddington ; to say nothing of the second-class carriage being nearly equal to our first .
30 That might be the motto of the Scottish Health Education Group who not only advertise on television but sponsor a radio soap opera , to say nothing of the Scottish football team .
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