Example sentences of "say [conj] the [adj] [noun] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , ’ they continue , ‘ we 've been reading your columns and we 're just a little bit worried that you might mean it when you say that the European Community is a fraudulent delusion ; the German economy is kaput ; the French are morally bankrupt ; racism is becoming endemic ; America 's had it ; Britain 's in for five years of total chaos and the middle-classes will soon be taking to the streets .
2 That is what we mean when we say that the Labour party is advocating an envy tax .
3 Experts say that the current recession is behind the trend .
4 The is no doubt that polished tools look better , but some say that the extra expense is unnecessary .
5 do n't actually , do n't actually directly say that the central bi-law is is anti competitive do you or do you ?
6 Those who believe in delegation say that the elected representative is presumably a responsible person and a committee of responsible persons should be entrusted with responsibility .
7 If the relationship between two variables entirely disappears when a causally prior variable is brought under control , we say that the original relationship was spurious ; by this we do not mean that the bivariate effect did not really exist , but rather that causal conclusions drawn from it would be incorrect .
8 Ministers regularly say that the opted-out units are independent , so the Minister can not then argue that they are part and parcel of the structure .
9 The district planners also say that the proposed development is in an area of countryside where new dwellings are only allowed to fulfil proven agricultural need .
10 Chris Trickey , of the Lawn Tennis Association 's Facilities Department , says that the acrylic market is ‘ always likely to be relatively small .
11 He says that the real cost was to the public .
12 Brenda Hogget Q C , one of the five commissioners involved in the Family Law Report , says that the current legislation is confusing and dishonest .
13 ( Luke and Matthew : Luke , who does not follow Mark 's timing to the letter , merely says that the two festivals were drawing near ( Luke 22:1 ) .
14 John Kydd , divisional organiser for the engineering union , says that the first statement is a lie and the second is a provocation .
15 The letter says that the key issue is which funding system will most likely encourage first-generation entrants to higher education from social groups not hitherto persuaded to participate .
16 He says that the main concern is that the mother is receiving the right amount of support .
17 He says that the main priority was to ensure that the travellers could n't group up to stage a huge festival .
18 John Lyons could be taken to be offering such an analysis when he says that the English language is different from other languages in that it ‘ extends ’ the meaning of particular words beyond the culture-specific because of the international demands made on it ( Lyons , 1982 ) .
19 A new traffic report published today says that the British public are n't satisfied with parking regulations and their enforcement .
20 Mr Major defied the wise saw which says that the British people are happy to pay more tax in order to get better public services , and played the issue of Labour 's higher taxes for all it was worth : it was worth the difference between an overall majority of 21 and a hung Parliament .
21 Writing in Inspire , Elizabeth Innes rightly says that the house-to-house collection is the least popular task of the Week , but she is also right when she tells how a word of thanks from a housebound person , grateful for the opportunity to give , compensates for previous rebuffs .
22 Quate says that the latest result is so close to the theoretical maximum that his team is now going to concentrate on making the SAM easier to use , rather than pushing ahead with improving the resolution still further .
23 Scott says that the clearing banks are ‘ of great significance in the allocation of capital , the recruitment of business leaders and the flow of information ’ .
24 When Wittgenstein says that the linguistic expression is a substitute for the natural expression , and that there is no sharp line between the linguistic and the natural expression of a feeling , he is attacking the notion that in the relation between saying ‘ It hurts ’ and being in pain there must be a justifying element of reflecting on how one feels ( a ‘ ground ’ for the utterance ) , an element which does n't come into the relation between moaning and being in pain .
25 Once he might have answered differently — might have said that the two things were different in kind — but now he was not so certain .
26 The Irish Republican Army ( IRA ) had said that the two Australians were killed in mistake for British soldiers .
27 On the basis of this table , it can be said that the two variables are connected : a woman who declares a positive attitude to housework is likely also to have a high specification of standards and routines .
28 It has been said that the Imperial Court was more successful in mounting great set pieces than in its day-to-day running , and indeed so successful was it in this field that an impression was created that the whole of the period was one long spectacle — the so-called fête impériale — whose only aim was entertainment , prodigality and licence .
29 These men will not readily wear garment of crotal when going to sea , as it is said that the crotal plant was plucked from the rocks and will therefore return to the rocks .
30 It used to be said that the Labour Party was a ‘ broad church ’ , as it managed to contain such a wide range of opinion .
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