Example sentences of "will [be] [verb] to the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 After the break I 'll be speaking to the Gloucester rugby player , Mike Teague , about his selection for the British Lions Tour of Australia .
2 It 's expected he 'll be taken to the Horton General Hospital in Banbury .
3 Through an interface with a Hewlett-Packard supervisory computer , the measurement system will be connected to the Honeywell TDC3000 distributed control system with additional communications links to the terminal 's computerised hydrocarbon accounting and tanker management systems .
4 These comparisons will be extended to the Netherlands ; further comparisons at both pre-vocational level , and at technician and foreman level , are planned for France and Germany .
5 It is expected that a bid will be made to the Macroeconomic Modelling Consortium for further funding after 1991 .
6 Two further 767s will be assigned to the US run and named ‘ James Dean ’ and ‘ Janis Joplin ’ to make US customers feel at home .
7 The rest will be transferred to the Owen Owen group 's other Liverpool store , Lewis 's , where much of the Clayton Square activity will now be concentrated .
8 The Hampden will be transferred to the RAF Museum 's storage and restoration facility at Cardington , Beds , as soon as space has been arranged for it .
9 Once the database is fully operational , it will be transferred to the ESRC Data Archive , and will also be accessible direct from Cambridge .
10 Cray Research Inc , which says its scaled down C90s ( see front ) start at $3.25m , reports that it has taken five orders for the smaller systems and is in discussions with more than a dozen other prospects ; an eight-processor version C98 will be leased to the San Diego Supercomputer Center in the fourth quarter ; the model starts at some $12m .
11 No matter – Christian Aid will not suffer , and it will be given to the Rev. John Page on the day of his Induction at Dunlop , as a little memento for John and Janie , of Christian Aid at St. A. 's & St. G 's .
12 The private collection will be given to the Ashmolean when the exhibition closes in August .
13 The private collection will be given to the Ashmolean when the exhibition closes in August .
14 Emphasis will be given to the JCT forms as these are undoubtedly the most widely used .
15 Money collected as a result can be paid in at branches of the Halifax Building Society and will be given to the Barnardos charity .
16 It is planned that the whole collection up to the Middle Ages will be moved to the Stuttgart exhibition centre , leaving a space of approximately 6000 square metres for the city 's rich medieval remains .
17 This will be presented to the Edinburgh Summit on the 11th of December .
18 As part of the campaign bidding to reverse the decision and stop up to 140 truckloads a day using roads to Teesside , a 7,033-name petition urging Government action will be presented to the Commons today by Richmond MP William Hague .
19 A follow up letter will be sent to the D.S.S. over this matter .
20 Using the SWIFT system a message will be sent to the US bank by the UK bank .
21 Further photographs will be taken , since the mornings are now lighter , and will be sent to the Edinburgh Evening News .
22 If you fail to do what is required of you , prints will be sent to the KGB , to Major Tzann and one of your co-pilots at the base .
23 Therefore , it is urgent that the Minister 's Department and the Government honour what they agreed , or that money and many other benefits will be lost to the United Kingdom .
24 [ That this House calls upon the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and the Minister of State for Overseas Development to grant Aid Trade Provision Cover and ECGD cover over three years from 1992 to enable Communication Supplies Ltd. to continue to export further System X telephone exchanges and ancillary equipment to Kenya , which they have done successfully for the past seven years ; and furthermore notes that the Kenyan Government considers this project as top of their list of priorities for trade with the United Kingdom , and the project will save and provide many thousands of jobs throughout the United Kingdom and will lead to repeat business for many years to come , and that if funding is not forthcoming the contract will be lost to the United Kingdom and awarded to either Japanese , French or Italian companies , all of whom have shown open interest . ]
25 The revised drift allowance will be applied to the QDM last received .
26 In the rooms currently occupied by the Musée des Arts de la Mode ( which will be transferring to the Richelieu wing of the Louvre ) , we shall be presenting an overview of the twentieth century , while the Gallery of Creators on the ground floor , will feature occasional displays of contemporary subjects .
27 A printed bibliography with author and subject indexes will be supplied to the ESRC and all items made accessible on the bibliographic database SPRILIB maintained at the Scott Polar Research Institute .
28 ‘ And the lettering underneath it says : ‘ Fun-loving , globe-trotting millionaire playboy Richard Arnold will be jetting to the Florida sunshine next week to witness the launch of Arnsat 1 , the first communi — ’ she hesitated , ‘ — cations sat … ellite built by Arnco Inter … national Group .
29 These will be linked to the O'Doherty Fort at the foot of Magazine Street , and the overall development will represent Derry throughout the ages from its foundation in 545 A.D.
30 Electricity generated by the plant 's steam turbine will be sold to the Connecticut Light and Power Co .
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