Example sentences of "will [vb infin] our [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Better , we 'll do the circuit , we 'll fuck our way round the whole of it , we 'll circumnavigate . ’
2 We 'll work our way through the whole fuckin' audience , shaft every man-jack of them ’ .
3 ‘ Why , you 'll start by asking everyone on the Woodfield Estate , and if we still have n't found him , we 'll work our way through the rest of town .
4 ‘ We 'll dump our things at the hotel , ’ Ward said , ‘ and if there 's time we 'll have a look round . ’
5 ‘ Stick on a swimsuit , and we 'll take our chances on the car making it there in one piece . ’
6 We 'll get our orders in the morning .
7 Right , exactly sixty seconds to go , then I 'll bring you the eight o'clock news , then after that , we 'll continue our conversation on the main topics of the morning , according to you .
8 And if you thought you had a fight last year over bi-annual congresses , you wait until you try and do anything that will affect our structure in the future .
9 For the present , however , we will confine our attention to the Sunda Arc comprising Sumatra , Java and the chain of smaller islands extending eastwards as far as longitude 123°E ( Fig. 3.14 ) .
10 We will present our pleas to the lady herself , and accept whatever verdict she offers us . ’
11 But there is a great danger that this fact , so dazzlingly clear , will blur our vision of the deeper causes of the Bosnian nightmare .
12 Well I 've said a few words about the Soviet Union but I would like to add that our programme of assistance to the Soviet Union and to other countries in central and Eastern Europe , while it 's had to grow rapidly in response to the urgent needs of reg region , it does not it has not grown and will not grow in any way er which will undermine our commitment to the developing world and er perhaps on that note I might turn to Africa .
13 ‘ We will keep our feet on the ground and keep passing the ball .
14 I can assure you we will keep our side of the bargain … just as soon as you have completed this assignment .
15 In exchange we will leave a coin for you , to show that we will keep our side of the bargain .
16 ‘ We will exercise our duty in the interests of public health , ’ a spokesman said .
17 By undertaking detailed case studies in five countries the research will develop our understanding of the similarities and differences of the processes in the various countries .
18 We will continue to increase the number of places in higher and further education and will complete our reforms of the system .
19 It said : ‘ To counteract these sectarian bombings we will redirect our campaign against the republican community as a whole .
20 As we enter the Age of The Goat and the Treefrog , Turhan Bey will guide our way towards the ultimate transcendence . ’
21 Paragraph three , the action plan , er well it will guide itself evidence this , the statements made under the action plan , from section three of the report will guide our activities over the next three years and of course paragraph four performance the critical success factors , by the seven criteria we will be judged in the highway service and each one is a challenge in its own right and I do hope to receive in order to carry out these er , these er promises in fact , that erm , I 'd be given the relevant level of financial staff and resources
22 Finally , I do hope that as many of you as possible will enter our Gardener of the Year competition .
23 We will maintain our contact with the Soviet leadership to encourage continued commitment to democratization and reform .
24 In his analysis of the relationship between literary study and advances in cybernetic technology , Richard Lanham argues that the computerization of knowledge — including fiction — will change our conception of the nature of textuality .
25 Then there are the political slogans that will come our way over the next few months .
26 All entries will be treated with the strictest confidence and on November 30th , we will pick our winner from the bag of completed surveys .
27 The employer 's expectations and my expectations will be different , and inevitably compromise will characterize our relationship from the day I join until the day I depart .
28 Once this issue has been resolved we will increase our efforts in the regions .
29 There is a further sense in which the very strong link between the Spirit and Jesus will determine our experience of the Spirit .
30 Firstly , it is appropriate to examine some broad themes from the commercial — industrial fields and secondly it is proposed to specify a series of inter-related questions which , taken together , will determine our approach to the location and thus the nature of education management .
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