Example sentences of "will [vb infin] them [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They 're advertising , we 'll see them in the Yellow Pages .
2 I 'll put them in the deep part .
3 You 'll find them at the very end of , of chapter twenty eight .
4 In exploring such environments pupils will experience the type of argument and logical analysis that will prepare them for the real-life problems they will tackle outside .
5 When the snow comes , this will insulate them from the cold air and allow them to tease out woodlice , spiders and other invertebrates from leaf-litter or plant roots .
6 They will have suggested topics which will bind the poor as a class together ; topics which will excite them against the rich ; topics the discussion of which in the only form in which that discussion reaches the ear will be to make them think that some new law can make them comfortable … — that Government has at its disposal an inexhaustible fund out of which it can give to those who now want without also creating elsewhere other and greater wants .
7 What becomes the English language starts as the dialect of a minority and is imposed upon the majority , usually by force , with legal punishments for those who refuse the schooling which will induct them in the national language .
8 Undergraduates who intend to pursue a career in the profession are advised to ensure that their courses will entitle them to the maximum exemptions from the examination and training requirements of the various professional accounting bodies in the UK .
9 We 've made plenty of enemies over the years , even politicians here at the UN , and this will provide them with the perfect ammunition for them to shoot UNACO down in flames .
10 ‘ If they continually try to buck the system , the system will destroy them in the long run .
11 Control will sell them into the federal market .
12 They say if they are barred from Skinnergate and High Row in Darlington it will force them towards the hazardous roundabouts on the inner ring road .
13 Who will join them in the Second Division is still a long way from being decided but GS Stirling enhanced their prospects of survival by beating Inverleith 2-0 .
14 All of these initiatives as well as the day to day work that goes on with safety representatives at the workplace , supported by officials all of these initiatives are aimed at improving standards at the workplace and we are also contributing to the fourth action programme in Europe where they are setting out their action programme which will take them into the next
15 Our lucky couple will fly with USAir to Las Vegas where a limousine will take them to the sensational medieval-style Excalibur Hotel for their six-night stay .
16 One manager , who remains nameless , replied to the psychologists ' request for information thus : ‘ Please feel free to send your questionnaires to me and I will distribute them to the two or three players who can read and write and have an attention span of longer than two minutes . ’
17 ‘ Kim and Jacqui will be the cops , Frances and Eddie will shadow them with the shaving foam and stuff , ’ said Simon , like it was Normandy beach 1944 .
18 If it is forthcoming , he will protect them from the terrible plagues with which he afflicted the Egyptians before their escape .
19 Your attitude of reserved dignity will not be resented ; when all arrangements have been completed , the client 's contact will leave them with the respectful regard for your integrity .
20 Using the Public Windows Interface self-certification kits promised next month , independent software vendors which find their application(s) do n't run are being asked look at the source , find the undocumented Windows calls being made and give them to Sun which will add them to the PWI specification .
21 Officials , especially , fear that candour unscreened by confidentiality will open them to the later ridicule of diarists .
22 She is sure that this will settle them for the foreseeable future .
23 John Gorman says it 's good value for an international striker and he 's been given great support by the board to go and out and strengthen the side … he thinks Jan will help them in the premier league … ,
24 Perhaps one day an inspired current-affairs teacher will ask them about the long-term impact of the 1988 Education Act .
25 I 'm an optimist : I think there 's a fifty-fifty chance that we will find them in the next twenty years .
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