Example sentences of "will [vb infin] her [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And if I feel like it , I wo n't just screw up your life with that stupid , lame bitch , I 'll make her part of the deal .
2 ‘ She 'll celebrate her birthday on the twenty-eighth , wo n't you , my lovey ? ’
3 She was quietly , in a place called Peddeston , she 's chucked a travel ticket , it 's a bit much for her to do , big tough training and that sort of thing , but hopefully she 'll pass her test in the near future , and all she needs to be able to do is get her rise so she can afford to make up .
4 The doctors say it should be scrapped , and an MEP says she 'll raise her objections to the road in the European Parliament next week .
5 Yes she wrote to me , I 'll tell you what when I get back I 'll pop her letter in the post to you she seems alright .
6 ‘ Well , of course , this will affect her availability for the show . ’
7 She will make her nest in the sleeping quarters of the hutch where she will eventually have her litter .
8 The final section will discuss her representation of the female body , especially in relation to contemporary ideals of beauty .
9 If you think I will respect her honour to the point of releasing her , you much mistake the matter ! ’
10 She wo n't run again this season , and will take her chance in the Guineas next spring , ’ said Guy Harwood , the filly 's trainer .
11 Single women get priority from the AA , so many 's the girl will hide her boyfriend behind the hedge to get a faster call-out .
12 — FREDA SCHOFIELD is convinced the medical profession will put her family in the Guinness Book of Records .
13 Either you 're worried that Sarella will get her hands on the money , or you 're worried I will .
14 And also tomorrow , Alison MacDonald will continue her investigation into the tricky relationship between society and young children .
15 There are many young men who will mourn her departure from the ranks of the available , ah ( sigh ) , some of whom had fond memories of her , others , merely hopes .
16 At birth the mother will help her calf to the surface to gain its first breath , taking about 10 seconds to do so .
17 It will increase her anxieties about the future and it will also and it does indeed , cause great frustration , frustration at her terrible disabilities .
18 Readers unfamiliar with philosophy will find her discussion of the nature of philosophy illuminating ; they should be warned , though , that philosophers are likely to find it contentious .
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