Example sentences of "will [vb infin] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Are you gon na buy a box and I 'll get rid of the other two to Joanne and Emma ?
2 Wynne Godley has been consistently the gloomiest economist operating in Britain , believing that the UK economy is suffering from severe structural weaknesses , and it will remain locked in a low growth and high unemployment pattern for years .
3 Most of your fans though , will remain condemned in a lonely monologue with their distant idol …
4 Extraordinary profits , you may be surprised to see are only twelve point nine million after the Elserver sale but that is a function of the write back of good will on the disposal of Elserver which you will see explained in the preliminary statement , thus reducing the er , profit from two hundred and twenty nine million , which was the estimate at the interim , to thirty five million for the year as a whole .
5 Full details will become known as the successive subject working groups report , and programmes of study and attainment targets are drawn up .
6 In a moment we are about to leave the leisured and leisurely world of the eighteenth-century gentlemen and hurtle through the mechanical and material world of nineteenth-century England , where the revolutionary ideas of the aristocratic philosophers will become embodied in the social , political and economic structures of industrial Europe .
7 In terms of the concepts outlined above we could express Marx 's views thus : the economic class of proletarians ( propertyless sellers of labour power ) will necessarily become increasingly homogeneous in respect of income levels and conditions of life and work ; this will result in the increasing ‘ non-pertinence ’ of social collectivities based on branch of industry , religion , nationality , sex etc. , and the increasing pertinence of the social collectivity coterminous with the proletariat itself ; eventually as a result of the process of struggle this social collectivity will become organised into a corporate body — the trade union movement — and a political force : the communist movement or party .
8 For instance , given the fact that metals expand when heated , it is possible to derive the fact that continuous railway tracks not interrupted by small gaps will become distorted in the hot sun .
9 The problem should be solved after 1994 , when the Salon will have moved to the Grand Palais , and go two-yearly — alternating with the Biennale des Antiquaires .
10 You will have noticed in the last case that Duchy Hotels owned another , smaller hotel as well as the Dee Hall .
11 Penzias foresees that the number will have risen to a billion by the end of the century , with an untold gain in computing power .
12 By the time the Unimix — a high protein gruel — is dished out of the cooking drums , they will have waited in the stagnant , heavy heat most of the day .
13 I am not convinced that even in theory this is an accurate reflection of section 2 , for I think it possible that in many cases the investigation will have concluded at an earlier stage .
14 The reinvestment return is 55.74 but the reinvestment risk is that on 15 February the 1-month rate will have fallen from the 9.25 per cent expected to , say , 8.75 per cent .
15 In five years time from now it will have developed into an all powerful , constitutionally independent institution responsible for the Community 's monetary and exchange rate policies .
16 Realistically , it is hard enough to speculate on how multimedia will have developed in a few years time without looking as far ahead as the beginning of the next century .
17 As my hon. Friend will have seen in the recent report on the first six months of the NHS reforms , substantial progress is being made by the NHS backed by our reforms and the record resources that we are making available .
18 As members will have seen from the local press , the committee decided to postpone the proposed trip to Llangollen on 13th July .
19 They will have seen from the French try how even a moderate French team was able to launch Cabannes and Cécillon at our midfield and , once they had been committed , spread the ball for Saint-André to score a classic try .
20 Thirdly , however , it is likely that the ‘ acquisitive way of life ’ will have operated amongst the middle class , the working class employed in the new expanding consumer industries , and those migrating from the old industrial areas to the South East and the Midlands .
21 Chief executive Peter Costain is expected to unveil a series of exceptional costs , which will have contributed to the deep losses .
22 Yet the case is different with the children in England , for when they emigrate , the vast majority will go to English-speaking countries , and they will have profited from the intimate contact they had with the English life and language . ’
23 Your Occupational Therapist will have written to the Environmental Health Officer to support your application and you will have had an initial test of resources .
24 Since the Vendor will have entered into the relevant contracts in the first place it is for the Vendor to take the risk as saying whether or not the contracts fall within these categories .
25 When I back there I am sure I will have changed to a certain extent and I hope it will have helped to develop my managerial skills . ’
26 There will of course have been new developments but I am confident that little will have changed in the fundamental agenda of those truly concerned about the health of their nation .
27 Multimedia will have evolved from a technological issue into a metaphysical one .
28 Yeah but then yo er in a party situation you could probably do that in the first minutes could n't you , I would have thought everybody in th room will have spoken in the first five minutes would n't they ?
29 Out of his professional need , he will have settled on a good working strain over the years and any surplus he may have is virtually guaranteed to be first-class .
30 ‘ If the indicators for the first quarter remain flat or suggest a further fall in output , then the time will have come for a further cut in interest rates , by another 1 per cent or more . ’
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