Example sentences of "will [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 ‘ From what you 've told me , I do n't think we 'll see her for a long time unless your Mr Wyatt finds them , and while he thinks you are Dana he wo n't be looking very hard , will he ? ’
2 Mm , they 'll last him for a long , long time .
3 Though the supplier has no guarantee of the business , it has an advantage and , once it has the business , the firm can be fairly sure it will keep it for a long time .
4 ‘ If they continually try to buck the system , the system will destroy them in the long run .
5 RAIL commuters have protested at timetable changes they claim will leave them with a long wait or walk .
6 Although I 'm not totally certain it will save us in the longer term .
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