Example sentences of "will [be] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 I think presumably you 'll be wishing at a later stage to look at what we 're proposing in erm in individual districts .
2 She 'll be sentenced at a later date .
3 She 'll be sentenced at a later date .
4 Well , he 'll be tried by a higher court than we have in this life .
5 Contracting out of other services within Westminster SSD will be extended at a later stage , said Windiate .
6 The company has dropped strong hints to union leaders that the current programme involving cuts of 24,000 over the next year will be followed by a further rundown , although at a lower rate .
7 This will be followed by a further return to the mainline on September 12/13 for the ‘ Scottish Power ’ open weekend at Longannet Power Station when the loco may haul trains on the Dunfermline — Culross branch along the northern shore of the Firth of Forth opposite its home base at Bo'ness .
8 The analysis of these data should be complete by early 1985 and will be followed by a further survey of key informants and the various development agencies in an attempt to identify the type of projects which might be promoted within the framework of an Integrated Rural Development programme .
9 Such a clock will wake an individual when a certain stage of the sleep/wake cycle is reached ; if he goes to bed late then that stage will be reached after a shorter period of sleep than usual .
10 Linkages will be made to a wider context--notably the parallel experiences of marshland communities in the Low Countries and North-West Germany .
11 Barnet will be monitored by a further book inspection at the end of April . ’
12 The workings of the legal system in 1922 will be examined in a later chapter as one aspect of Bolshevik control over society , and the general extent of crime will be noted .
13 Whether any of these proposals are realistic or not will be examined in the later chapters of this book .
14 The remaining three sections will be constructed at a later date to link between the eastern end of the Colinton Section and the Musselburgh Bypass .
15 When a search is completed up to twelve small images will be displayed on the lower area of the screen , you can then choose the one you want and enlarge it so that it appears on the screen together with any relevant background information .
16 The move will be seen as a further step towards a possible post-election deal between Labour and the Liberal Democrats , who are holding out for a commitment to PR for the Commons as a pre-condition of backing a minority government .
17 Immigration has so far played a relatively minor part in the election campaign , and Mr Baker 's decision to raise it now will be seen as a further attempt by the Tories to prevent their support slipping , particularly among skilled workers and their families .
18 By this method the detail of the object will be seen in a wider visual angle and the retinal image will be magnified , a greater part of the retina thus being activated .
19 Our non-academic pupils however , were not too concerned about this aspect , but as will be seen from a later section , lack of order was a real problem for those people who wanted to get on and pass exams but were in mixed-ability groups .
20 Homes left empty without good reason by any public authority will be transferred to a better social landlord .
21 The new machines , which will be fitted in the bigger branches , will have a number of features aimed at cutting queuing times and making them easier to use .
22 Unisys Corp and Honeywell Inc say they have settled the pending lawsuits over the sale of the Sperry Aerospace Group to Honeywell in December 1986 — Honeywell reckoned that it paid too much because Unisys held back material information ; Unisys will make a pre-tax payment to Honeywell of $43.2m over three years toward a $70m total settlement , with the remaining funding coming from insurance and an investment banking firm ; as a result of the settlement , Unisys will report a net extraordinary charge of $26.4m against its first quarter figures for the period to March 31 ; it says the charge will be offset by a larger than expected net gain from implementing the FASB 106 and FASB 109 accounting changes that it already announced it would make .
23 The two men accused with Bedworth , who pleaded guilty to a number of charges , will be sentenced at a later date .
24 It should complement the Bishop 's Park which by then , it is hoped , will be kept in a better state than it is at the moment .
25 A seasoned assessor will soon spot someone who is not taking an active and full part in the activity and it will be regarded as no better than trying to force your way on to the centre stage .
26 The Royal Navy equivalent award — the Distinguished Service Cross ( DSC ) , and the Army equivalent award — the Military Cross ( MC ) , will be covered in a later article within this series , both awards having been awarded at times to members of the RAF .
27 If 3 waiting days have been served in a PIW no waiting days will be served in a later linked PIW .
28 At many cultural levels the old Petersburg continued to prevail for a while over Moscow in many informal , non-governmental ways , as will be noted in a later chapter .
29 We can only reach the conclusion — which will be noted by the further education sector in Scotland — that the reason behind the Government 's proposal for a further education funding council is that it might help the Bill 's passage .
30 Bernard Moing , Univel 's regional marketing manager for Europe says , ‘ we 're not expecting any returns on UnixWare until the first quarter of 1993 , and then the take up will be limited for a further period . ’
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