Example sentences of "will [adv] [be] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The skills and disciplines to deliver each of these elements is available in Scotland , but will only be effectively utilised if they are part of our overall tourism strategy under one board and not , as now , with a variety of organisations working in partial isolation , and indeed often in competition .
2 ‘ However , the reality is that such matters will only be successfully resolved when a greater degree of trust and cohesion has been attained as a result of working together . ’
3 Thus the goods will normally be unconditionally appropriated when handed over to the carrier .
4 Presumably not : but it would be a very bold man , a Karl Marx indeed who would assert that , for each and every woman and always , housework is her spontaneous activity , that it is the satisfaction of a need ; or that she fulfils herself in it ; or that through it she develops freely a physical and mental energy and will not be physically exhausted and mentally debased .
5 There will be a few overcast or windless days when the batteries will not be adequately recharged and a traditional generator will have to be called upon , but in the time they are charging , wind generators and solar panels will easily pay for themselves in saved fuel costs .
6 But unless we push , hassle , bully , encourage and cajole at every turn , best practice will not be properly rewarded and the bad guys will go on cleaning up .
7 However , its advantages will not be fully realised until the recession slows , sales pick up and unit costs fall .
8 Renewals for further periods of three years will not be unreasonably refused where the Data has been incorporated into composite works which the Licensee wishes to maintain . ’
9 Labour argues that it will not be significantly affected because most of those who evade the register would have been among the large proportion — between 20.1 per cent and 31.2 per cent in their top 10 target constituencies — who did not vote in 1987 .
10 Philips also point out that the omission of FMFFV in initial CD-I shipments will not be much noticed because no CD-I discs are currently planned incorporating it and none are likely to appear for up to two years after the launch .
11 The general power of precedents to guide behaviour will not be much jeopardized if judges refuse to follow them when the advice they give is garbled or murky .
12 If this is done , the energy of the interface will not be greatly changed and to remove the hardened liquid mechanically will now need strain energy and therefore a mechanical force .
13 The Government have done nothing to reassure the public that their proposals for adult education will not be highly damaging if the Bill goes through .
14 As the documents make clear , many of these so-called inspectors will not be educationally qualified but will be drawn , in the senior chief inspector 's words , from the top of the Clapham omnibus .
15 John 's letter to Hanns about the second Ballet Club visit , just before he himself left for Cape Town , ends with the remark ‘ You will soon be back to gossip and see my new nose ! ’
16 For risks in Northern Ireland and certain other Rating Districts where the experience has been unfavourable the premium increase is higher than elsewhere although it will still be partially offset where the Rating Group of the insured car has been reduced .
17 It will moreover be widely accepted that , in any proper use of these particular examples , this entity can truly be described as French .
18 Keynesians-at least that branch of the family which continues to read the General Theory — will also be profoundly disturbed that the concept of full employment has become the object of unwelcome normative inroads .
19 The existing arrangements between the Foundation established by Baron Thyssen in Barcelona and the town of Barcelona will also be fully respected and it is hoped that the relationship between the two Foundations will be developed to their mutual advantage .
20 Your pension will automatically be permanently increased if you were getting invalidity allowance with invalidity benefit within eight weeks before reaching retirement age .
21 Undoubtedly , the retrieval of information will be easier , organization of information will probably be better managed and there will be so much more information available at the press of a button .
22 A report on a pupil from within his own school will never be generally regarded as adequate , however conscientiously compiled .
23 Only the most illustrious names hold out the lure of considerable profit ; but many thousands of unknown men and women have left behind them a legacy of written material that will never be illicitly copied and imitated yet will yield a rich store of history , and throw light on their place and period , life and labours , which are every bit as important , in the ultimate scale of things , as the antics and accomplishments of those who contrived to hit the headlines .
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