Example sentences of "will [verb] [prep] [adj] day [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Right hang on there Bev , money right that was softer than other ones , I 'll come in another day and have a good root round
2 Today they fly south to see a seventh-century Buddha statue and Buddhist temple before boarding a flight to Hong Kong , where the prince will stay for three days while the princess flies home .
3 Initial action , which will begin in 30 days unless the dispute is resolved , will be taken on rape oil , wheat gluten and white wine .
4 Even so , it 's only a flesh wound and will heal in ten days or so .
5 Not all of them I accept and they 've been very helpful and when it comes to erm any other issue , I think basically , unfortunately sir , I think that we have strayed from the debate , we 've strayed onto ethnic issues er er and I think it 's a shame Mr , there was no need to introduce that and of course it was bound to bring a backlash , it was bound to introduce it it it it 's coloured it it 's made opaque the issues because you make it complicated , in actual fact er er I think that er being a governor of a school , I think that 's absolutely marvellous that some youngsters the future , I think the future will decide , I think there are kids out there will turn round one day and say how could you have done that ?
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