Example sentences of "will [verb] [verb] [that] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And I kept telling him , yeah , Oliver , but the day that , you know , some Nicaraguan unity group appears and it 's evident that it 's got everybody in it … that 's the day I 'll begin to believe that this thing has a future .
2 Bulbs , er probably not cos I think I 'll have to do while you 're at school cos daddy tells me it 's gon na rain this afternoon , I 'll have to do that this morning , pity that .
3 Particularly important is the contribution that EA will make to ensure that unemployed people are given an opportunity to keep their work skills and work records up to date .
4 In carrying this out they will seek to ensure that all assessors for whom they are responsible are applying the standards in an objective and consistent way .
5 It will seek to ensure that all priority patients are treated within three months and that nobody should wait more than twelve months for treatment .
6 It follows that a firm will need to ensure that any guarantees which they require from a client or other person in respect of the performance of their obligations towards the firm do indeed contain appropriate provisions to displace the statutory rule , and bankers to a firm seeking security for its overdraft will invariably attach similar conditions to the liability of any person put forward by the firm as guarantor .
7 All of this is unlikely to present much of a problem to most of the larger operators with their own hygiene and quality control management , although even they will need to ensure that any programme of training and retraining of personnel is controlled and recorded .
8 In another passage of the three-page letter he hints that his administration will resist the extradition of suspected terrorists from the US back to Britain : ‘ We will work to ensure that political considerations do not hinder the workings of our courts in asylum cases . ’
9 Here it will suffice to note that this kind of investigation , employing techniques quite alien to the dominant tradition in linguistics , has revealed that conversational interaction has an elaborate and detailed structure of which we have very little conscious awareness .
10 The Minister will have noted that other people have joined the anti-privatisation lobby in relation to electricity , as he will have discovered on Monday .
11 The intention is that consumers ( who generally are unfamiliar with the law in other member states ) should be able to buy goods and services as consumers throughout the EEC while feeling confident that whatever laws govern those contracts , the relevant member state will have ensured that such contracts do not contain unfair terms .
12 ( Recent demands by the Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education ( CATE ) will have ensured that these courses have been substantially revised since 1984–5 ) .
13 If we try to describe this process in structural terms we will have to say that this externalization of forces of control leads to a marked deterioration and dissolution of the superego and , to a lesser extent , of the ego too .
14 Real travellers will have discovered that most taxi drivers have only a cursory grasp of English so it may come as a surprise to learn that foreign cabbies ‘ drive at breakneck speed ’ while talking eloquently of ‘ local proverbs and giving handy hints about what to buy in the local market . ’
15 That 's what we got out of Chairman and is that nine hundred thousand pounds of by simply modifying er the fire do will have provided that substantial sum of money completely reorganise review of the fire service er it would have er brought this other ten fire , whole time fire fighters etc. , etc. , and these savings because of the of those two groups over there we have to identify it 's stage , put them on the table and then be very prudent in the way this is really the .
16 The newcomers will have to learn that political advertising is less about selling and more about persuasion .
17 If you have carried out the calculations suggested , you will have found that average spend per head in 1983 was roughly £9.00 , in 1984 £10.50 and in 1985 £11.75 .
18 I think you will have found that this exercise produced more thoughts , images and ideas than you were able to use in what you finally wrote .
19 Mankind will have to accept that this product of immense periods of time was indisputably in existence inside the evolutionary story , waiting to be taken up as the only source available from which could be acquired a foundation for the God that man must ultimately have , and which was not completely imaginary , and therefore subject to unlimited interpretations .
20 This person will have to ensure that all members of the panel have seen and considered the candidates ' original application forms and formulated questions arising from it .
21 For this reason any purchaser will wish to see that all documents in the chain of title are properly stamped .
22 You will wish to note that this department through the Personnel and Financial Services Unit provides a day to day personnel service to other central departments .
23 The hon. Gentleman will wish to know that that point is being pursued .
24 Whereas in the past technological developments led to the emergence of new occupational groups , often with some measure of occupational control and , in the most recent past , usually making claims to some professional standing ( for example , the rise of the various branches of traditional engineering ) , we argue that in the future it is likely that employers will try to ensure that new jobs do not lead to the creation of new occupations as such , and especially not new occupations which will be allowed any measure of occupational control .
25 In this way the fieldworker will come to see that this mesh of kinship behaviour is a manifestation of the social structure , a visible expression of who controls what .
26 Confirming details of the agreement in Washington on Aug. 31 , US President George Bush said that it " will help ensure that nuclear weapons grade material does not fall into the wrong hands , while providing funds to promote economic reforms and the transition to a market-based economy " in Russia .
27 Links made with a state body , the Conservatoire du Littoral , will help ensure that coastal land bought in France by the EFPN remains protected .
28 Too often , however , the current concern with curriculum takes little account of what individual pupils bring to the tasks they are required to perform , concentrating instead on the specification of structured and graded teaching steps that will help to ensure that all pupils progress in a predetermined sequence towards a predetermined goal .
29 At best , this will help to ensure that black workers remain in those employment sectors they entered in the boom years of the 50 's and 60's .
30 It will help to ensure that educational priorities remain at the forefront of planning and that the school continues to work together as a team .
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