Example sentences of "will [verb] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Police say they 'll treat her remarks as a formal complaint .
2 Police say they 'll treat her remarks as a formal complaint .
3 Our safety regulations er dictate that they be a certain distance from the crowd , so that if anything did go wrong , the aircraft would be able to er get out of the way , but no , there is not going to be any danger at all , they 'll make their approaches to the base as if they were attacking , and then we 'll have simulated ground bursts , a large fire as it were , on the ground , it will be going off , providing the sound effects for it , but it 's going to be just a great thing to sit and watch .
4 I think I 'll confine my questions to the disappearance of the Englishman .
5 I think there 's no doubt , there 's a meeting on Thursday night Mr Chairman , and I 'll refer your comments to the meeting .
6 ‘ He 'll finish his days at the end of a rope , ’ said the taxi driver , unclenching his buttocks .
7 So we were sitting there , in this horrible place where the ‘ glass of white ’ is even more noxious than the yeoman 's brew , and their selection of Highland malts is less than the finest , and I 'm getting these pancreas-piercing whiffs of other people 's nicotine ( hit me with a gasper , go on , do it to me — I 'll betray my country for a Silk Cut , I 'll betray my friends for a Winston ) when Stuart , with a creepily smug look on his face , suddenly announces , ‘ We 're taking off , you know . ’
8 Stay tonight , too , I can find you everything you need overnight , and we 'll fetch your things from the pub tomorrow . ’
9 ‘ You can help Claudia , Dana , and then we 'll collect your things from the hotel , though you seem to have bought a fresh wardrobe . ’
10 And if you push me much harder , I 'll wash my hands of the whole thing and tell the Committee I ca n't cope , and make it clear I want you out — out , do you understand ?
11 ‘ We 'll dump our things at the hotel , ’ Ward said , ‘ and if there 's time we 'll have a look round . ’
12 ‘ It 'll take their minds off the cattle-fever , ’ said Thorfinn .
13 ‘ Stick on a swimsuit , and we 'll take our chances on the car making it there in one piece . ’
14 Ring me , and we 'll take your calls after the six o'clock news .
15 At 8.30 you 'll take your places for a three-course meal which will include Smoked salmon .
16 As soon as we receive your Grand Prize Certificate of Eligibility , we 'll enter your numbers in the Draw , and we 'll let you know promptly if you win a prize .
17 But if it 's a lie , then you 'll end your days as an old maid , Ann , for I 'll not marry a liar , and no other man will have you either , not while I 've aught to say about it . "
18 The doctors say it should be scrapped , and an MEP says she 'll raise her objections to the road in the European Parliament next week .
19 We 'll get our orders in the morning .
20 Five of the ladies have already given a public display , at a keep fit rally in Drayton , and Wendy anticipates that they 'll put their skills behind the association 's new fund-raising campaign to buy a Sunshine Coach for use in Hampshire .
21 Don has made the trip from Hereford to Romania 4 times now and he 'll continue his visits in the hope that one day he can leave behind a modern farming system which will bring Moldavia into the twentieth century .
22 Authorities from all parts of the EC will deliver their verdicts on the effectiveness of the Government 's slaughter policy .
23 Michael Chapman , professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Guy 's Hospital , will deliver his findings to the patient .
24 IBM Corp 's Digital Domain Inc special effects — FX as they are known in the trade — company , which brings the company together with writer , director and producer James Cameron , Academy Award winning character creator Stan Winston and special visual effects studio executive Scott Ross ( CI No 2,116 ) will locate its facilities in the Los Angeles area and plans to combine the latest digital technology with a unique ‘ creator interactive ’ philosophy , IBM says , offering a full range of special visual effects services for feature films , television , commercials and simulator attractions ; high resolution moving images will fundamentally change applications and their development as we know them today , IBM reckons .
25 We 've got to realise that there 's going to families out and about , and what we 'll do is the aircraft er I have n't seen the scenario on paper , but just off the top of my head , I can tell you that the aircraft will make their approaches to the base as if it were a real target .
26 The MEPs will make their protests at a meeting with the Foreign Office minister , Mr Francis Maude , today .
27 The two inspectors will make their recommendations to the Energy and Environment Secretaries , who will decide between them which route if any should be approved .
28 Held in the rear stalls at 6.15pm before any performance , these 20-minute chats about the music and the productions by members of the Company and other opera specialists will make your evenings at the Grand extra special — and still have time for that pre-performance drink .
29 And will discuss their concerns with the makers in the far east .
30 On the basis of the information given the children will discuss their tactics for the match and decide the instructions to be typed in .
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