Example sentences of "which would [vb infin] [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Disappointment was also the reaction of Sealink British Ferries , whose parent company Sea Containers is currently fighting a $1.036 billion bid from Temple Holdings which would involve the UK ferry business ending up in Swedish hands if it succeeds .
2 He said last night : ‘ Until now we have not had a real marker which would tell a cancer cell from a normal cell . ’
3 Their Lordships find it quite impossible to say that he was in error , and still less in the kind of error which would entitle a reviewing court to intervene , by making the choice which he did .
4 Can the Minister justify the payment of more than £234,000 of public money to accountants , bureaucrats and consultants to prepare opting-out submissions when that money can be better used to reduce waiting lists or to make a donation to the appeal for the Royal hospital for sick children in Edinburgh instead of being used to propagate Tory party propaganda which is not wanted by the people of Scotland and which would damage the health service in Scotland ?
5 The question is whether the date of the joinder relates back to the date the proceedings were started , which would avoid the limitation argument .
6 On one side of the animal there were to be letters and a number which would identify the revenue district , sub-division and village of the animal .
7 He had left some of his belongings behind , which would mean a return journey to go and collect them .
8 Strathclyde has outlined a £250 million LRT scheme , which would link the city centre with the peripheral housing schemes Easterhouse , Castlemilk and Drumchapel .
9 In many cases , the tests show gross handicaps which would carry no life expectancy whatsoever .
10 Does he agree that they are at greater risk not from imports but from the minimum wage , which would devastate the knitwear industry ?
11 Admittedly , this has been achieved , in part , by the kind of chicanery and double book-keeping which would earn a jail sentence for the treasurer-secretary of a small glue factory .
12 Concerned about the possibility of food riots which would disrupt the peace process , the USA sent 450,000 ready-made meals from its Defence Department stocks in Europe and the Gulf ; officials said that the USA planned to provide one-third of the nutritional needs of the troops for a year .
13 The government and the MNR agreed in principle to create a control commission comprising their own officials and representatives of the UN and other parties to be decided , which would supervise a peace agreement , once signed .
14 We reject the Conservatives ' unfair banding and discount system , which would create a property poll tax .
15 There is even talk of a deal with Chrysler , which would offer the O'Gara treatment as a factory option .
16 Everybody attending the seminar was sent papers a few days in advance ; these were principally copies of actual experts ' reports ( with the names changed ) which would form the subject matter of the two mock trials .
17 We saw Ede working on the building of a dam which would improve the water supply by 900 per cent and thereby reduce the hunger and disease that lakes a toll of half the children up to five , The other side of his work is to build up grass-roots organisations so the campesinos can protect their rights .
18 Since royalties are usually subject to withholding taxes , and payments to related parties in tax havens are generally suspect , the normal structure for most of the 1980s was to use a Dutch company which would hold a head licence from a Netherlands Antilles company holding the intangible , and which would then sublicense the operating companies .
19 There are three aspects which would make a world class bobsleigher .
20 These were to involve a cartoon animal , which would commend a chocolate biscuit , in the voices of some people who appear on television , the voices done by actors .
21 These are breaches of conduct which would merit the death penalty if the Army were on active service .
22 The tall , blond player who had joined West Ham at the tender of age of 17 some four years earlier , had done more than choose the right moment to emerge , he 'd nicely anticipated the coming of the right man , Alf Ramsey , who took over the England management shortly afterwards and began to forge the national side which would win the World Cup in 1966 and in which Moore would play an anchor role .
23 Could you suggest a medium which would help the oil paint to flow better ?
24 Could you suggest a medium which would help the oil paint to flow better ?
25 I saw the formation of the Black Workers ' Group and the concessions that we had won as a lever or a rolling stone which would have a knock-on effect .
26 If any single firm were to raise the wage rate it offered above the rates prevailing in all other firms , there would be an immediate increase in the supply of labour to this one firm which would drive the wage rate back down again .
27 Similarly , if any single firm were to reduce its wage rate below that prevailing elsewhere , there would be an immediate decrease in the supply of labour to that firm which would drive the wage rate upwards again .
28 After the bypass completion the parish would be looking forward to the de-trunking of the A3 which would become a B road .
29 Her Majesty 's Government is also involved , for it is planning to set up the BritTrak Consortium which would reduce the rail network to a single , high profit track , ‘ running from the City to a decent little pub in Chobham ’ .
30 A modified HLCA system which would reduce the upland agriculture/ conservation conflict has been detailed earlier in this chapter .
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